Tyler Rapp.  I strongly believe anonymous posting should be legal  Why? You have the right, guaranteed to you by the 1 st Amendment in the United States.


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Presentation transcript:

Tyler Rapp

 I strongly believe anonymous posting should be legal  Why? You have the right, guaranteed to you by the 1 st Amendment in the United States constitution, which is the freedom of speech. Next, to reveal the identities of anonymous posters “just because” is against the 4 th Amendment, which is, the protection from unreasonable searches and seizures.

 The 1st Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.  The 4 th Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures and requires any warrant to be judicially sanctioned and supported by probable cause.

 Over time you hear of businesses threatening people with fines if you have a negative review of their product, service, etc. online.  It also lets you privately comment, and rate websites and businesses and talk to people.  One very well known case is the Union Street Guest House in New York.

 This is their policy on negative reviews: “Please know that despite the fact that wedding couples love Hudson and our inn, your friends and families may not,” reads an online policy. “If you have booked the inn for a wedding or other type of event... and given us a deposit of any kind... there will be a $500 fine that will be deducted from your deposit for every negative review... placed on any internet site by anyone in your party.” That means if ANYONE from your party says anything negative, you will lose $500 of your deposit.

 Anonymous posting helps prevent people from becoming victim to people and businesses they critique. Though, either way there are laws and rules that if the police need information websites will provide your information to help solve or stop crimes.

 Rob Zidar: Co-Founder Third Parent  “That block works for Yik Yak since it's location-based, and a school can ask the company to block it entirely at an individual school. Effectively as I understand it, they are not blocking users but rather entire locations (the school). The problem remains that there is no efficient way for social networks/apps to verify real age, so as long as kids are willing to lie about their age, they can join.”

 Rob Zidar basically says what most of us have done. As long as people are willing to make an account with false information nobody will be able to find out any easier than if they did it anonymously.  So even if it is banned, people will find loopholes and other ways around the ban.

 People could be child predators, drug dealers and could persuade teens and children into sexual acts and sending nudes.  Even if you ban anonymous postings people could hack accounts, create fake accounts or borrow accounts and still do the same illegal acts.

 There would be little benefit if you did, even though people would say it could help lower cyber bullying, illegal sells, etc.  The majority of people who are cyber bullied know the bully or can find out  People are over 3 times more likely to get bullied on Facebook than any other social media site.

 The sale of illegal drugs and weapons would go down….  While it would make it slightly harder, people will still find ways to get what they want.

 No matter what, you will not be able to stop people from doing something if they want. Actually making something illegal makes people just want to do it more. If you ban anonymous postings you will see an increase in the production of false identities with no decrease in any cyber-crime. Also, it would make people just wanting to voice their opinion to not be able to without worrying about their protection.

 Teach children about to not answer questions from people they do not communicate with people who they do not know  Make the laws in response to cyber bullying, illegal drug trades, hackers and other cyber crimes more strict and have the punishment be greater.

 Parents could take control and set up web page blocks and parental controls to prevent their children from using certain apps and web pages  Police could use illegal sites to track criminals and get them off the streets because either way if a criminal wants to commit crime, they will do it

 Only law abiding citizens will follow the law while criminals will still commit crimes even if they have to use alternative means.  The law would make criminals out of common Americans by making reviewing, talking or buying stuff anonymously, illegal.

 Not only is banning anonymous postings illegal, unjust, and impractical it is also impossible.  Banning anonymous posting will just make citizens into criminals.  That is why we should not ban anonymous posting.

h bullying-statistics-2014-finally/ h statistics-2012/ h 5/student-papers/fall95-papers/rigby- anonymity.html h 5/student-papers/fall95-papers/rigby- anonymity.html w

 hidetools-parental-control.soft112.com  Gawker.com  ill_of_rights_transcript.html ill_of_rights_transcript.html  Pagesix.com  Tripadvisor.com  Twitter.com  bullying-statistics-2014-finally/

 app-yik-yak-ban-younger-users-should-others- follow-suit app-yik-yak-ban-younger-users-should-others- follow-suit   Thirdparent.com