Overview: Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) Programs and Support rev Presented to the Elk Grove Unified School District Board of Education June 14, 2016
VAPA comprises visual and performing arts programs and extra-curricular activities K-12 Performing Arts Performing Arts Music Music Band Band Choir Choir Drama/Theater Drama/Theater Dance Dance Visual Arts Visual Arts Art Art Photography Photography Ceramics Ceramics Graphic Arts and Design Graphic Arts and Design Animation Animation
In , the District began receiving Block Grant funding to support VAPA In , K-12 schools shared $986,785 in funding Block grant funding was reduced in Funds were flexed from to and in , were rolled into LCAP in Current VAPA support comes from a variety of sources, including school’s site budgets, which will be augmented this year to 75% of pre-recession levels, plus $91,499 from one-time funds.
Current Status 36 out of 40 elementary school sites offer Visual and Performing Arts Programs. These programs are funded or provided through a variety of means: Teacher volunteers PTO/PTA and Parent donations Grants After School Fee-Based Programs After School Education and Safety Program (ASES).33 FTE at Maeola Beitzel and Arthur C. Butler elementary schools
Types Band Music Instruction Choir Drama/Musical Theatre Art Dance Delivery Before School After School During the Instructional Day Intersession Evenings Community Performances
District Graduation Requirement A-G Requirement: Meets both F and G components Programs Offered Visual Arts Performing Arts Staffing to Support Instruction FTE Middle School FTE High School 3.20 FTE Alternative Education = Total FTE allocation Approximate Annual Cost of VAPA staffing for middle and high schools = $7.5 million
Field Trips Band Performances and Reviews* Choir Performances Dance Recitals Drama Productions Plays Musicals After-school programs *Vary by school
VAPA is supported through a variety of sources: Staffing Discretionary Site Budgets Site Student Fee Allocations Specialized Programs and Grants Stipends for co-curricular work Total amount projected for overall VAPA funding in = $7.9 million
District VAPA Steering Committee 20 Middle and High School Representatives from throughout the District Coordinated by Dr. Jodi Revis, CPL Work of committee includes: Serving as a conduit of communication with sites as related to procedures or policy changes in the content area Providing recommendations for program sequence Reviewing the curriculum for new courses, materials, and professional development
Current Athletic budget pays costs to field both boys’ and girls’ athletic teams Budget includes coaching stipends, transportation, officials, ambulance service, game security, and equipment and supplies Dedicated Athletic Trainers for comprehensive high schools will be funded in Total Athletic Budget will be $3,226,778
Category Budget Ambulance$32,000 Officials$225,000 Security$160,000 Stipends$1,500,000 Transportation$385,578 Equipment & Supply Subsidy$350,000 Athletic Trainer Supplies$45,000 Athletic Trainers$225,000 7 th Grade Athletics$108,000 8 th Grade Athletics$196,200 Total$3,226,778
Comprehensive High Schools offer some Athletic PE sections, totaling 3.13 FTE among all nine schools Middle and High Schools offer release time to Athletic Directors, totaling10.5 FTE combined Total FTE projected to be allocated to Athletics in is FTE, at an approximate cost of $1,030,000 District Athletic Director’s and Athletics/Facilities Office Technician’s salaries paid from Facilities Fees Combined with general costs for Athletics, the total projected expenditure for Athletics will be approximately $4,256,778, as compared to $7,900,000 for VAPA
Each elementary school will receive $6,000 to provide stipends for VAPA and other student-related activities. Elementary Education will: Work with the Stipend Committee to determine: Stipend criteria Allowable activities Amount of stipend per activity Present stipend criteria to elementary principals. Sites will conduct a needs survey Begin VAPA programs and other student-related activities at sites.
Meeting held with 7-12 principal representatives Secondary principals suggested the following: Feeder programs at elementary schools Increased funding for instrument purchase and repair Dedicated equipment and supply budgets A more comprehensive needs assessment will be conducted as part of overall program analysis
As part of budget priorities for , Board gave direction to examine current VAPA offerings K-12 Staff will work to analyze the current program and to define a “base program” for VAPA, K-12 Staff will bring forward a recommendation for potential expansion and augmentation of the VAPA program as part of the budget priorities