QEIA Monitoring Regular Application Schools April 29, 2010 California County Superintendents Educational Services Association QEIA Northern and Southern Technical Assistance Centers 1
Outcomes Review Monitoring Requirements for QEIA Regular Application Schools Class Size Reduction Highly Qualified Teachers Teacher Experience Index Professional Development Williams v. State of California Settlement Pupil to Counselor Ratio (High Schools only) Preview Additional QEIA Requirements 2
Monitoring Timeline January – May: Pre-Monitoring Visits June – August: Request Documentation from Districts and Schools July - September: Review Documentation September - October : Report Findings to Districts November: Report to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI) 3
Areas for Review Class Size Reduction Highly Qualified Teachers Teacher Experience Index Professional Development Williams v. State of California Settlement Pupil to Counselor Ratio API Growth (begins in 2011) 4
Monitoring Requirement Class Size Reduction At least 2/3 of the way in meeting the CSR requirement2 At least 1/2 of the way but not yet 2/3 of the way in meeting the CSR requirement 1 Less than 1/2 of the way in meeting the CSR requirement0 Points 5
Class Size Reduction Implementation Plans during Interim Years Reducing all classes or grade levels to the 2/3 target. Reducing two-thirds of the school’s grade levels to the full target. Reducing two-thirds of total classes to the full target. * Core Subjects include English Language Arts/English Language Development, Math, History/Social Studies, Science, and intervention courses that support the core subjects. 6
Class Size Reduction Reducing all core classes by two-thirds of the required reduction each year ( 2 / 3 target). Base Year 1/3 Target2/3 Target* Full Target 9 th Grade th Grade th Grade th Grade If all grade levels meet the target 2 points At least 1/2 of the way but not yet 2/3 of the way in meeting the CSR requirement 1 point * At grades 4-12, QEIA targets are met as a grade level average. 7
Class Size Reduction Reducing all core classes by two-thirds of the required reduction each year ( 2 / 3 target). Base Year 1/3 Target 2/3 Target Full Target Tota l # of Classes # of Classes at Target K th Grade th Grade th Grade (69%) The school is a least 1/2 of the way towards meeting the requirement. All classes would need to meet the 2/3 target in order to receive 2 points. 1 point 8
Class Size Reduction Reducing the class size in core classes of two-thirds of the school’s grade levels to the full target class size. Full Target Total Core Classes Classes Met Target Grade Level Average 6 th Grade th Grade th Grade Not targeted for reduction Total Classes 8154 (67%) 2 Grade Levels Although the school targeted 6 th and 7 th grade, count total sections to ensure they have reduced at least 2/3 of the classes to the full target or have met through grade level average. 2 points2 Points or 9
Class Size Reduction Reducing the class size of two-thirds of all core classes to the full target class size each year. Full Target Total Core Classes Classes Met Full Target 9 th Grade th Grade th Grade th Grade Total (88%) School has reduced 88% of the core classes to the FULL target. 2 points 10
Grade Level Average K-3 Does not apply to K-3 Each individual class must meet the average as required by the state’s CSR program 4-12 At each grade level, calculate the average class size for all participating classes. The grade level average class size may not exceed the grade level class size reduction target (nearest tenth) by the end of school year. 11
Average Daily Enrollment (ADE) Method A Calculates ADE from the first day of instruction through April 15 th. This is the state’s reporting system used for the K-3 CSR Program. Method B Calculates ADE based on enrollments on the last instructional day of each month in which classes were held. 12
Monitoring Requirement Highly Qualified Teachers At least 2/3 of core classes are taught by teachers that are HQT, as defined by federal requirements 2 At least 1/2 of core classes but not yet 2/3 of core classes are taught by teachers that are HQT, as defined by federal requirements 1 Less than 1/2 of core classes are taught by teachers that are HQT, as defined by federal requirements 0 County Offices will request a copy of the form titled ” ESEA (NCLB) Teacher Requirements” from the Consolidated Application Part 1 for each of the QEIA Schools. Points 14
Monitoring Requirement Average Teacher Experience At least 2/3 of the way in reaching the average teacher experience target for the school district for this type of school 2 At least 1/2 of the way but not yet 2/3 of the way in reaching the average teacher experience target for the school district for this type of school 1 Less than 1/2 of the way in reaching the average teacher experience target for the school district for this type of school 0 Due to the transition to CALPADS, each school/district will need to calculate the TEI. A TEI calculation form will be posted on the CCSESA and QEIA websites for districts/schools to use, if necessary. Points 15
Monitoring Requirement Professional Development Provided professional development to at least 1/3 of the teachers and the instructional paraprofessionals 2 Provided professional development to at least 1/6 but not 1/3 of the teachers and the instructional paraprofessionals 1 Provided professional development to less than 1/6 of the teachers and the instructional paraprofessionals 0 County Offices can access records through the QEIA PD Web-Based Tracking system for schools using this system. All other schools will need to submit PD documentation. Points 16
Monitoring Requirement Williams Requirements Met all of the requirements of the Williams settlement2 Met some but not all of the requirements of the Williams settlement 1 Met none of the requirements of the Williams settlement0 As reported through the Williams Coordinator within County Offices. Points 17
Monitoring Requirement Counselor Ratio (applies to High Schools) At least 2/3 of the way in meeting the pupil-to- counselor ratio requirement of no more than 300:1 (with counselors holding PPS credentials) 2 At least 1/2 of the way but not yet 2/3 of the way in meeting the pupil-to-counselor ratio requirement of no more than 300:1 (with counselors holding PPS credentials) 1 Less than 1/2 of the way in meeting the pupil-to- counselor ratio requirement of no more than 300:1 (with counselors holding PPS credentials) 0 School will provide a list of counselors and credential information. Points 18
Substantially Met At the end of : “Substantially Met County will determine if school has “Substantially Met” the requirements If a school has not “Substantially Met” the requirements: Notify the Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI) If requirements are not met by the end of any subsequent year, the SPI shall terminate funding. The district will have a reasonable amount of time to make staff and other cost adjustments. 19
Additional QEIA Requirements
Rule of 27 (applies to Grades 4-12) June 2011 (or end of school year) Print a copy of ALL core and/or self- contained class enrollments on an agreed upon date at the end of the school year. Provide a copy of this enrollment report to your County Office in charge of QEIA Monitoring. If no class has enrolled more than 27 students, you have met this requirement. No core class or self- contained setting in grades 4-12 may exceed 27 students by the end of school year or during funded years thereafter. 21
Non-Core Class Average Non-Core Class Enrollment Art Music PE Spanish Total Enrollment in Non-Core Classes 785 Schoolwide Average Schoolwide Average 42.2 School meets this requirement At the end of , QEIA also requires that participating schools “ Not increase any other class sizes in the school above the size used during the school year. ” 22
Academic Performance Index Annual API Growth Target* School’s API Growth 1 st Year nd Year rd Year year average 1210 School Status Did not meet At the end of , the school must exceed the API growth target for the school, averaged over the first three full years of funding ( , , ) 23 * The annual API growth target is five percent of the difference between the school’s Base API and the statewide performance target of 800.
Contact Information CA County Superintendents Educational Services Association Gaye QEIA Northern Technical Assistance Center Mark QEIA Southern Technical Assistance Center Bo 24
Thank You Superintendent Darline Robles LACOE Educational Technology Services CCSESA Staff QEIA Technical Centers 25