Welcome to Physical Education Ms. Liana LaVecchia & Mrs. Lisa Pisciotta
Ms. Liana La Vecchia 17 th Year at Oak Street School B.S. Physical Education & Health from Kean University M.A. Physical Education Montclair State University 2013 Teacher of the year
Mrs. Lisa Pisciotta 13 th year in Bernards Township B.S. Physical Education & Health from Lock Haven University M.A. Physical Education from The College of New Jersey
What you need for Physical Education Sneakers –Sneakers must cover the foot completely and be free of any windows and/or holes. Clothing –Wear comfortable clothing that allows for easy movement. –Be aware that we are often outdoors and/ or on the floor. A POSITIVE ATTITUDE!
Being excused from Physical Education A note from a parent or Dr. is required to be excused from Physical Education. A note is then required in order to resume participating. All notes should be forwarded to the school nurse at the beginning of the school day. Be aware that a student that is excused from Physical Education does not participate in recess. If a student has a problem or pain during class he or she are encouraged to share this with their Physical Education teacher.
Behavior Expectations Be prepared. Be a respectful listener. Follow directions promptly. Control your body and equipment at all times. Be respectful to peers and opponents. Be positive- use positive and useful comments only. Have fun!
Safety Student Responsibilities: –Follow directions promptly. –Use equipment in the manner that is asked. –Control your body and equipment at all times. –Observe signals that are used in the gym. –Stay within the stated boundary lines at all times.
Taking Healthy Risks All tasks are age and skill appropriate. Students are expected to respect the fact that there are many different skill levels within a class and encouraged to assist others and offer positive feedback only. Students are encouraged to work at their individual level for as long as they may need to.
Being a Respectful Listener Equipment should be behind you when listening. Students are encouraged to share and ask questions by raising their hand. A good listening position includes being still and being focused on the teacher, student, or guest that is addressing the class.
K-2 What we do! Locomotor Skills Body control and awareness Movement exploration Object manipulation Visual tracking Rhythmic activities Pre-sport skills Muscular strength and endurance Cardiovascular strength and endurance Flexibility Coordination Social skills Cooperation Team building Problem solving Critical thinking Scope and sequence of skills
3-5 What we do! Locomotor Skills Body control and awareness Movement exploration Object manipulation Visual tracking Rhythmic activities Pre-sport skills Team sports Individual sports Modified games Fitness testing Muscular strength and endurance Cardiovascular strength and endurance Flexibility Coordination Social skills Cooperation Team building Problem solving Critical thinking Scope and sequence of skills
Contact Information Ms. Liana LaVecchia – x364 – sites/324586
Contact Information Mrs. Lisa Pisciotta – x365 – sites/324584