KS1 curriculum and assessment Parents Workshop 2.30pm and 6.00pm
Expectations for what children know and can apply in different contexts has increased with the 2014 National curriculum. The way children are assessed under the new National curriculum is different. Children are no longer assessed against levels but are asked to ‘master’ key skills and concepts.
Children taught and assessed through mastery Curriculum Children taught and assessed against Levels Mind set change What is mastery?
Summary of the main changes to assessment and curriculum – new curriculum and assessment without levels for Year 1 only. June 15 – Interim assessments released for 2016 expectations. Sept 15 Year 1 and 2 to follow new national curriculum and assessment without levels expectations – Interim assessments for end of key stage 1 (year 2)
Woodlands moving forward to increase outcomes for children Working closely in partnership with other schools on shared development journey. Up skilling all leaders and wider staff to ensure excellent subject knowledge. Training and sharing good practice. Moderation of standards within school and with partnerships of schools. Assessment and tracking system in place to monitor progress each 6 weeks and intervene as appropriate. Structures, systematic phonics and clear curriculum in place to develop the school further.
New National Curriculum 2014 Curriculum information on website Higher expectations Content change Year changes Assessment without levels
Assessment: Year 1 Assessment based on teacher judgment of learning throughout the year for Reading, Writing and Maths. Phonics screening -real and ‘alien’ words -fund, quiz, back, short, rude, stripe, giving, -vol, teg, shog, thard, tabe,
Phonics at Woodlands Learning the 44 phonemes (sounds) It is ‘tricky’ – ay/ai/a-e Daily RWI lessons 9.10am am Set 1 2 3
End of KS1 assessment – Year 2s Reading Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Maths
End of KS1 assessment – Year 2s Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling – Test 1: Spelling test – Test 2: Grammar/ punctuation/ vocabulary test Word classes – nouns, verbs, adverbs etc. Sentence types – question, statement Prefixes and suffixes
End of KS1 assessment – Year 2s Reading - 2 papers Comprehension focus This may include reading narrative, non-fiction or poetry.
End of KS1 assessment – Year 2s Maths - Paper 1 Number focus - number facts, place value, ordering numbers, counting, fractions - Paper 2 Mathematical fluency - Problem solving and reasoning
KS1 curriculum and assessment