6 sixsigm a The Lean Innovation Six Sigma Black belt 5-days program will cover the most contemporary process improvement practices adopted by leading organizations SIX SIGMA BLACK BELT
COURSE OVERVIEW The Lean Innovation Six Sigma Black belt 5-days program will cover the most contemporary process improvement practices adopted by leading organizations and proponents of Lean Six Sigma in service industry as well as engineering firms within the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, & Control), DFSS (Design for Six Sigma) and IDOV (Identify, Design, Optimize and Verify) frameworks COURSE OUTLINE The Black Belt program, aims to explain in detail various Six Sigma tools. The Program extensively uses Minitab, specialized statistical software. Define Phase Define Phase Deployment Define Phase Deliverables Critical To Quality(CTQ) Cost of poor Quality(COPQ) Six Sigma Metrics Defects Per Unit FTY,RTY,DPU Project Charter
Measure Phase X-Y Matrix Descriptive Statistics Anderson Darling Test Box Plot Time Series Plot Type’s of MSA Variable Gauge R & R Process Capability Z scores Analyze Phase Multi Vari Studies Normality Test Classes of Distribution Hypothesis Testing 1Sample T-Test 2Sample T-Test Paired T-Test Levene’s Test Chi-Square Test
Improve phase Linear Correlation Coefficient Simple vs Multiple Regression Regression Steps Transforming Process Data Multiple Linear Regression Design of Experiments (DOE) 2 level Full factorial 3 Factor Full Factorial Design Orthogonal Designs Center Points Half Fractional Experiment Confounding Control Phase Control Plan Aligning Systems and Structures Control Phase Steps Improvement Selection Matrix Lean Controls Visual Factory
WHO SHOULD ATTEND Business Information leaders/Managers Operations Managers Team Leaders Quality Managers/ Quality Analysts Hiring Managers/Team Leaders Business Excellence Managers What is kaizen What is Kanban Defect Controls Full automation Mistake Proofing Understanding Control Charts Special Cause Test Statistical Process Control(SPC) Advance Capability Discrete Capability Continuous Capability
PREREQUISITES t981 (US) (UK) (AUS) / 3 (IND) (CAN) CALL US US WEBSITE It is preferable that candidates have some exposure to statistics prior to the training. The target audiences for the program are candidates with around 2 to 6 years of work experience in relevant field of organization excellence and wanting to learn about / deploy Six Sigma. CONTACT US