Dimensions of Human Behavior: Person and Environment Chapter 4 The Psychological Person: Cognition, Emotion, and Self
KEY POINTS ADDRESSED Chapter 4: Psychological Person Defining and Differentiating Cognition and Emotion Theories of Cognition: Themes and Concepts Cognitive Information Processing Social Learning Multiple Intelligences Moral Reasoning Theories of Emotion: Themes and Concepts Physiological Social Psychological Cognition and Emotion: Integrated into The Self Visualizing the Integrated Self
Cognition and Emotion: Defined and Differentiated Chapter 4: Psychological Person Cognition - Our conscious or preconscious thinking processes. The mental activities of which we are aware or can become aware with probing Emotion - A feeling state characterized by our appraisal of a stimulus, by changes in bodily sensations, and by displays of expressive gestures
Cognition and Emotion: Theoretical Orientations Chapter 4: Psychological Person Theories of Cognition Assume conscious thinking is the basis for almost all behavior and emotions Thoughts produce emotions Cognition Emotion Theories of Emotion Emphasize either physiological, psychological, or social context as the source of emotion Give variable weight to the role of cognition in labeling of programmed feelings Emotion Cognition
General Points of Agreement Cognition and emotion are complex and interactive Symptoms of psychological problems may be primarily cognitive or emotional, but both cognition and emotion influence the development of problems Cognition and emotion integrate into some cohesive notion of the self Chapter 4: Psychological Person
Theories of Cognition TheoryMajor themeKey conceptsAssociated perspective Noted scholar CognitiveCapacity for reasoning develops in sequential and interdependent stages, from infancy through adolescence and early adulthood Schema; Assimilation; Accommodation; Cognitive operations DevelopJean Piaget Information Processing Depicts information as flowing passively from the external world inward through the senses to the mind Sensory Theory; Thinker and the external environment; Sensory register Social behavior; Systems None specified Chapter 4: Psychological Person
Theories of Cognition, cont’d TheoryMajor themeKey conceptsAssociated perspective Noted scholar Social Learning Theory Behavior is shaped by its reinforcing or punishing consequences and antecedents or also acquired by witnessing how the actions of others are reinforced. Operant Conditioning Classical Conditioning Modeling Cognitive Mediation Social Behavior Albert Bandura Theory of Multiple Intelligence All people have a unique blend of intelligences derived differently from information-processing devices (modules in the brain) Linguistic Logical- Mathematical Visual-Spatial Bodily Kinesthetic Musical Intrapersonal Systems; Humanistic Howard Gardner Chapter 4: Psychological Person
Theories of Cognition, cont’d TheoryMajor themeKey conceptsAssociated perspective Noted scholar Theories of Moral Reasoning Moral development proceeds from stages of egocentrism through abstract principles of justice and caring Pre-conventional morality Conventional morality Post-conventional morality _______________ Survival orientation Conventional care Integrated care Develop ______ Conflict Kohlberg _____ Gilligan Chapter 4: Psychological Person
Discuss how each of the theories of cognition can help a social worker understand Sheila’s situation. How would each of the theories help a social worker decide on interventions to help Sheila to minimize her cognitive errors? Identify the cognitive errors in Sheila’s situation
Theories of Emotion TheoryMajor themeKey conceptsAssociated perspective Noted scholar Physiological Theories of Emotion Emotions originate in neurophysiology, influence cognition, organize personality around “affective biases”, and are the source of our motivations. Hindbrain Midbrain Forebrain Amygdala Social Construction; Systems None specified Social Theories of Emotion Emotions are socially constructed, transitory roles that originate in our appraisals of situations, are time limited and include a range of socially acceptable actions _________________________ Emotions are symbols for communication Social Constructed roles _________ Visual Cues Social Construction __________ Social Construction Averill _______ Mead Chapter 4: Psychological Person
Theories of Emotion TheoryMajor themeKey conceptsAssociated perspective Noted scholar Psychological Theories of Emotion Psychoanalytic Theory We experience positive emotions when our internal drives are gratified and negative emotions when they are frustrated Conscious thinking is a product of the drives from which our emotions also spring ____________________________ Ego Psychology The ego is the source of attention, concentration, learning, memory, will, and perception. Ego moderates internal conflicts, but it also mediates the interactions of a healthy person with stressful environmental conditions. Ego Defense mechanisms ________ Autonomy of the ego Psycho- dynamic _______ Psycho- dynamic Freud ______ None specific Chapter 4: Psychological Person
Theories of Emotion TheoryMajor themeKey conceptsAssociated perspective Noted scholar Psychological Theories of Emotion Cont’d Attribution Theory The experience of emotion is based on conscious evaluations we make about physiological sensations in particular social settings. _________________________ Emotional Intelligence The ability to process information about emotions accurately and effectively and to regulate emotions in an optimal manner Unconscious appraisal Coping mechanism ___________ Emotional sensitivity Social Behavioral _________ Systems Lazarus _______ Goleman Chapter 4: Psychological Person
Discuss how a social worker would use an emotion-focused practice approach in working with Sheila. What theories of emotion can be identified in this approach? Consider Sheila’s depression
Chapter 4: Psychological Person Integrating Cognition and Emotion: The Sense of Self
Chapter 4: Psychological Person Visualizing the Integrated Self Do any of the diagrams below help you to visualize the self? Can you think of other ways to graphically present the integrated self? cognitions emotionsexperience SELF actionsexperiencefeelings emotion Self-talk cognition SELF