THE BEST CONTACT CENTER INDONESIA 2016 INSTRUCTION This template should be used Only for The Best Operations category. Template can be modified, subject to your company template or regulation. Please do not change the sequence of content to avoid misunderstanding of evaluators. All information and data that presented have to be in period of Jan to Dec 2015 or Jul 2015 to Jun Estimated time to present, include Question and Answer is 45 minutes per categories.
COMPANY NAME contact center brand
LOGO & BRANDING Please provide logo including philosophy of logo and the rule of usage in internal or external communication.
THE BEST CONTACT CENTER INDONESIA VISION / MISSION Please provide your company vision and mission or to be specific to contact center vision and mission
THE BEST CONTACT CENTER INDONESIA OBJECTIVE OF CONTACT CENTER Please provide key objectives of contact center. Please provide indicators to measure the objective.
THE BEST CONTACT CENTER INDONESIA CHALLENGES & CHANGES Please describe key change factors that impact on contact center services or activities and indicate potential risk that impact on contact center services in-term of continuity of service, financial, reputation, workload and operation. Please describe about Business Continuity or Disaster Recovery Plan to anticipate change factors that potential impact on discontinuity of services.
THE BEST CONTACT CENTER INDONESIA TYPE OF CUSTOMER Please provide number of customer of the company compare to the number of customer of contact center based on type of customer or segment that required services from contact center. SegmentTotal CustomersContact Center Services% TOTAL
THE BEST CONTACT CENTER INDONESIA TYPE OF SERVICES Please provide lists of services that contact center provide, with majority of top 5 to 10 services. TYPE OF SERVICESAVG. MONTHLY SERVICES% TOTAL
THE BEST CONTACT CENTER INDONESIA SERVICE MANAGEMENT Please describe key initiative to improve service delivery within contact center operation, include creativity to achieve Service Level, First Contact Resolution and Customer Satisfaction.
THE BEST CONTACT CENTER INDONESIA QUALITY MANAGEMENT Please describe quality improvement and quality management methodology to achieve high quality of services. Please provide lists of compliance that implemented in contact center, including ISO certification, electronics transaction security and any regulation that related to the product or services in contact center.
THE BEST CONTACT CENTER INDONESIA ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE Please provide an organisational chart of your contact center. Please provide the ratio of team leader to agent, the ratio of quality assurance to agent, ratio of desk control to agent, ratio supervisor to team leader and ratio manager to supervisor.
THE BEST CONTACT CENTER INDONESIA JOB GRADE & CAREER PATH Please provide job grade, remuneration (includes benefits) and career path for employee in contact center.
THE BEST CONTACT CENTER INDONESIA APPLICATION Please provide key application to deliver services. Please provide key application that utilized by management to monitor performance of contact center, monitor quality of service, monitor attendant and availability of agent and reporting business performance.
THE BEST CONTACT CENTER INDONESIA OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE Please provide lists of key performance indicators and achievement within 1 year period. At least consists of Service Level, Abandon Rate, First Contact Resolution, Quality Score KPITarget
THE BEST CONTACT CENTER INDONESIA COST STRUCTURE Please provide in percentage structure of your contact center costs and please provide your costs per call or cost per agent or cost per seat or others method to measure cost efficiency. TYPE OF COSTAVG. MONTHLY COSTS% Cost of Labor TOTAL
THE BEST CONTACT CENTER INDONESIA CUSTOMER SATISFACTION INDEX Please provide method to measure customer satisfaction and the result of customer satisfaction index with 1 year.
THE BEST CONTACT CENTER INDONESIA ACHIEVEMENT Please provide lists of your contact center award and achievement that awarded by external party.
THE BEST CONTACT CENTER INDONESIA INFRASTRUCTURE Please provide all the rooms that provide within contact center to support services and support the activities of employee. Please explain how do you manage the availability of the space with green environment infrastructure. Please provide working environment to support employee to deliver the services, including ventilation, air conditioning, lighting, noise level, cleanliness, availability of toilets. Please provide information on healthy and safety procedure and communication to all employee of contact center. Please include related picture or video (if any).
THANK YOU The Best Contact Center Indonesia 2016