PRESENTATIONS: Preliminaries Purpose Audience Topic Location Notes
Rehearsal/Preparation Run through presentation several times. Consider a practice audience. Time your presentation. Prepare physically.
Delivery Introduction—overview, questions, situation, fact/statistic, quotation Body—main sections from body of report Conclusion—review, reference back to introduction
Vocal Factors –Speak at normal rate and volume. –Enunciate. –Use conversational tone. –Avoid overly informal language. –Provide transitions.
Physical Factors –Create a favorable physical impression. –Stand up straight. –Control hand and foot motions. –Dress appropriately.
Eye Contact –Look at your audience. –Avoid excessively looking at notes.
Audiovisuals (Optional) –Flip Charts –Overhead Transparencies –PowerPoint Presentations –Etc.
Enthusiasm –Be enthusiastic and positive. –Remember tone!
Grading Thorough planning and practice Clear presentation of ideas Eye contact with audience Meeting length requirement