Creating and Analyzing Graphs Lesson Objectives: Identify and apply the key features of charts/graphs to represent data from a spreadsheet model. Making links from your Maths lesson experiences in order to create high quality charts/graphs Is Weston a Cool Place to Live?
Where are we? 1. Creating graphs for each question 2. Cutting and pasting those graphs into our reports 3. Ensuring that the graphs are “fit for purpose” 4. Analyzing our graphs to lead to conclusions
Pick a stage: Nail it and move on Stage 1 Watch the instruction video on the shared drive telling you how to make graphs Stage 2 Use the left hand column and the right hand column to turn data into graphics Stage 3 Add a title and a key (The clue is in the Question) Stage 4 Check (even with Sir!) that you have used the best type of graph Stage 5 Is your graph ‘fit for purpose? Will a new reader get it? Stage 6 Cut and paste your graphs into your report. Stage 7 Analyze your graph: DESCRIBE: This graph shows that… EXPLAIN: This is because/I think this is because… RELATE : This relates to my key question because… Stage 8 Review your work Seek review from buddy Coach someone else