CORE PROGRAM- BALANCED LITERACY Balanced Literacy- Comprehension, Fluency, Vocabulary, Phonics and Phonemic Awareness is addressed in each area. ReadingWriting Read Alouds Shared Reading Small Group Instruction- Guided Reading Independent Reading Model Reading Shared Writing Small Group Instruction- Guided Writing Independent Writing (Rosie)
ASSESSMENTS THAT GUIDE INSTRUCTION Fountas and Pinnell Leveling Running Records DIBELS Benchmark Assessments DIBELS Progress Monitoring Iowa Assessments DSA for Word Journeys Placement (Janice)
COLLABORATION MEETINGS Grade Level Meetings- Every 3 rd day during prep time AEA rep comes to meetings to discuss tier two and tier three interventions. Reading Team Meeting- Once a month Grade Level Teachers, Reading Teachers, Special Education Teachers, Literacy Associates, Principal, and sometimes Roxanne and sometimes Rosie. Teachers bring their data notebooks to each meeting. Leveling Data Cold Reads DIBELS One teacher records minutes for every meeting. (Rosie)
SMALL GROUP INSTRUCTION Our groups are flexible based on the results of Fountas and Pinnell Leveling and cold reads and are kept at 6 students or less. Groups are changed every 3-4 weeks, with the exception of Literature Circles. Our groups are kept small by using Literacy Associates along with Title One teachers and classroom teachers. Roxanne will tell you about how the training Literacy Associates receive as well as the ways teachers develop lesson plans for them. If a student is not growing in small group instruction the collaborative team brainstorms other ideas to help meet their needs. Some examples:
1 ST GRADE READING DISCOVERY PROGRAM (Janice) READING DISCOVERY MISSION STATEMENT Fort Dodge Public Schools strives to meet the needs of each student in First Grade, and for some this will be through the Reading Discovery Program. By synthesizing the research of Marie Clay and Ellin Keene, instruction will focus on the five components of reading. They are phonemic awareness, vocabulary, phonics, fluency and comprehension. Instruction will be offered on a one-to-one or one-to- two basis.
RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SELECTION Teachers will use kindergarten assessments and teacher recommendation to see which students should be selected for testing. Tests will consist of Observation Survey, Fountas and Pinnell Leveling, and DIBELS Based on the data collected the Discovery Team will then select children who are eligible.
EXITING READING DISCOVERY First round students may receive up to sixty lessons before being exited from the program. Based on acceleration of the Reading Discovery student, he/she may be exited before the sixty lessons are complete. If acceleration is not achieved, cluster visits of a team of Reading Discovery teachers will be initiated.
TESTING Alternate rank testing of classroom students Classroom teachers determine average two readers using alternative rank form. Reading Discovery teacher levels the two average students using the Fountas & Pinnell leveling kit. Another teacher then levels the student ready to exit. If the Reading Discovery student meets or exceeds the average reading level, they are then exited. If not, lessons continue. End of program testing of Reading Discovery students At the end of the year, follow-up testing will be done on all Reading Discovery students to ensure they are maintaining their reading status within the classroom.
LESSON FORMAT Re-reads Running Record (assessment) Cold and Warm Reads Word Work Writing Cut Up Sentence New Book
2 ND GRADE INTERVENTIONS Working with Words Word Journeys- Bringing Sort Back to Text Make and Break of Words Making Words Word Ladders Rhyme Charts Fluency – ARE Reading Guess the Covered Word (Susan and Teresa)
3 RD AND 4 TH GRADE INTERVENTIONS We started this in The first time we used the assessment Rigby Reads for all 3 rd and 4 th grade students. Roxanne, Sue Wood, and I scored it by hand. Based on the results we put them into like groups. In 2011 we started using our DIBELS and Leveling Assessments to place them in groups.
WHAT IT MIGHT LOOK LIKE Title Teachers Tier Three Three students or less Classroom Teachers Tier Two Six students or less Literacy Associates Students above grade level
Comprehension Groups 6 Thinking Hats QAR –Using 6 Minute Fluency Passages- These groups were broken up into levels of reading. DAZE-Maze Passages Fluency Groups Phrased Reading and Character Reading- ARE Reading Readers Theater Fab Five- Model Read, Echo Read, Choral Read, Partner Read, Independent Read Timed Readings
Accuracy Groups Focus on Fix Up Strategies Guess the Covered Word Word Journeys Word Works—Make and Break of Words Above Readers Literature Circles Choice Boards Reading/Writing Workshop
DIBELS Next ( ) 2 nd Grade: Our average growth was 26 cwpm from fall to spring (38.4) All students, but two, made growth. 69% of students grew at least 20 cwpm. 3 rd Grade: Our average growth was 15 cwpm from fall to spring (35.2) All students, but three, made growth. 36% of students grew at least 20 cwpm. 4 th Grade: Our average growth was 20 cwpm from fall to spring. (28.8) All students, but one, made growth. 44% of students grew at least 20 cwpm. DIBELS Next ( ) 2 nd Grade: Our average growth was 20 cwpm from fall to winter (14.4) All students, but one, made growth. 67% of students grew at least 14 cwpm. 3 rd Grade: Our average growth was 16 cwpm from fall to winter (13.2) All students, but three, made growth. 59% of students grew at least 13 cwpm. 4 th Grade: Our average growth was 17 cwpm from fall to winter (15.3) All students, but three, made growth. 55% of students grew at least 15 cwpm. How has our Data grown over the Years?