BELLWORK minutes! 1.Re-read paragraph p13. 2.What words or phrases on this page help you see, smell, feel, taste, or hear after reading these words? 3.Make a list of those words and phrases. FYI: This use of descriptive language is called IMAGERY because it helps your mind to see or sense images. STUDENTS: MATERIALS NEEDED TODAY: 1.Textbook or copy of narrative The Good Samaritan 2.Prediction Charts 3.Paper for tracking Sequence of Events from yesterday
1 minute! Analyze plot for correct sequence of events when flashback is heavily involved. Identify conflict. Make predictions. Pose questions from which to make predictions.
2 minutes! Share following prediction: Finger Survey on MY CUE ONLY!!! Who is the conflict between? 1.Rey vs. Orlando 2.Mr. Sanchez vs. boys 3.Orlando vs. boys 4.Mr. Sanchez vs. Rey 15 minutes! Let‘s read & listen to pp in order to Confirm [make sure] ….…OR…… Revise [change] Let’s familiarize ourselves with idioms. [Bottom of pp ]
10 Minutes! Check for Understanding! Idioms! Who said “Twice before he had gypped us”? About whom was he speaking? Let’s Check Our Predictions: Who is the conflict between? 1.Rey vs. Orlando 2.Mr. Sanchez vs. boys 3.Orlando vs. boys 4.Mr. Sanchez vs. Rey Revise your prediction if necessary.
1 minute! Analyze plot for correct sequence of events when flashback is heavily involved. Identify conflict. Make predictions. Pose questions from which to make predictions.
10 Minutes! Check for Understanding! Idioms! Who said “Twice before he had gypped us”? About whom was he speaking? Volunteers: Some of the characters switch between both the English and Spanish languages. What can you infer [guess] about their community? Finger Survey!! On my Cue! This question is asking you to observe details about which story element? 1 = characterization 2 = setting 3 = plot In your teams, discuss: What else can we infer about the setting? Be prepared to report out.
1 minute! Analyze plot for correct sequence of events when flashback is heavily involved. Identify conflict. Make predictions. Pose questions from which to make predictions.
5 minutes! Teams: What are the major events of the plot from pp ? Report Out! Consensus!
ADD only the major events of the story’s plot to your Sequence of Events paper, using bullet points only.
1 minute! Analyze plot for correct sequence of events when flashback is heavily involved. Identify conflict. Make predictions. Pose questions from which to make predictions.
Exit Ticket (3 min): On your prediction chart, write a question you have about today’s reading and add a prediction about the answer to your chart.
OBJECTIVES: Review story element terms, and analyze plot for correct sequence of events, when flashback is involved. Pose questions, and make predictions based on those questions.
WE DO 10 SECONDS to think: Then Finger Survey! WAIT for MY CUE! 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. SEE POSTER ON WALL! Which of the 5 parts of PLOT introduces the background and the characters?
Take a clean sheet of paper to begin recording and tracking the major events. Keep adding events to this paper. BUT DON’T NUMBER YET! When we’re all done with the story, we will PLOT out all the major events. Why do you think it might be easier to wait to put the events in order? The author uses flashback quite a bit and you might be doing a lot of reorganizing/erasing.
Take a clean sheet of paper! Let’s begin recording and tracking the major events. You may paraphrase these in your own words: Mr. Sanchez told boys they could use pool if they did some yard work for him, but he didn’t keep his end of bargain. Rey was invited by Orlie to go swimming, but after Orlie acted like he wasn’t home that day, Rey decided to not go over to Orlie’s house anymore. Keep adding events to this paper. BUT DON’T NUMBER YET! When we’re all done with the story, we will PLOT out all the major events. Why do you think it might be easier to wait to put the events in order? The author uses flashback quite a bit and you might be doing a lot of reorganizing/erasing.
OBJECTIVES: Review story element terms, and analyze plot for correct sequence of events, when flashback is involved. Pose questions, and make predictions based on those questions.
One last thing today: Make a Prediction: Based on what we’ve read so far, who do you predict might become involved in a conflict? Add this to your PREDICTION CHART in your binders. Upcoming exit ticket–What questions rose up in your mind about the characters or situations or upcoming events in the story? Attempt to predict the answer to these questions on your PREDICTION CHARTS. MODEL QUESTION: A question I have is: Why did Orlie invite Rey over and then act like he didn’t want to hang out? (p.13) This makes no sense. I predict Orlie will make other agreements throughout the story, but fail to keep them simply because he learned the behavior from his father. 1 volunteer to share a really good How or Why question?
You Do—Assessment (15 min): Explain the term flashback. Develop a how or why question and predict the answer to it. Write your prediction on your PREDICTION CHART.
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