Job Title Student Name Royal High Senior Culminating Presentation Presentation Date
Background Info Short biography of yourself including: Pictures (3-4), parents/guardians/siblings, hobbies, special events in life… Tell about your involvement in School Activities – extra-curricular Awards – academic, sports, scholarships, etc.
Career Search –State why you are interested in this career - Career path needed to accomplish goal –List required level of education –List other job requirements –List benefits/salary –(WOIS based info in blue binder!)
Community Service List leadership roles in school, church, community…etc. Service learning project For each community service project and/or service learning project you must fill out a verification form and have listed on it the time you donated, name of agency, person in charge and a brief description of the project and work completed.
Skills and Abilities List WOIS skills and abilities that are required for this occupation that match your personal skills and abilities. At least six each.
Career outlook –Describe career outlook –Job shortages –Demand – graph? –Salaries increasing/decreasing – graph? –(WOIS and Department of Labor statistics!)
Job Shadow Date Place Department (if any) Name(s) of Job Shadow(s) - First and last names! Any relevant background info about specific location
Job Specifics List typical day to day activities List any specific requirements for that particular job. Add background job specifics from WOIS research (WOIS info in binder!)
Real Job Posting Location – City, State Experience Required – How many years Education requirement – High School diploma, Bachelor’s etc. Pay/monthly salary Job Duties (Opening within the last year)
Pros and Cons List what you like about the career (at least four) List what you dislike about the career (at least four)
Conclusion List what you have learned throughout your Senior Culminating Project experience. State whether you think this is a good career path for you and if you intend to follow it. If you are going to go a different route state why.
Alternative Career Career Title –Job Description –Education Requirements –Experience Required Salary/Benefits State why and how this would be a good alternative career path for you! (Rationale!) Show a current advertisement of an opening for this job.
References List the references you used for this project 7-10 Write down every source from day one! (MLA) Format Required: WOIS! Job shadows! Picture citations Article citations Department of Labor etc…
References MLA Format Author and/or editor names (if available) Article name in quotation marks (if applicable) Title of the Website, project, or book in italics. (Remember that some Print publications have Web publications with slightly different names. They may, for example, include the additional information or otherwise modified information, like domain names [].) Any version numbers available, including revisions, posting dates, volumes, or issue numbers. Publisher information, including the publisher name and publishing date. Take note of any page numbers (if available). Medium of publication. Date you accessed the material. URL (if required, or for your own personal reference; MLA does not require a URL). Entire Website: The Purdue OWL. Purdue U Writing Lab, Web. Date of access. A page: "How to Make Vegetarian Chili." eHow. Demand Media, n.d. Web. 24 Feb Image: Goya, Francisco. The Family of Charles IV Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid. Museo National del Prado. Web. 22 May Web Article: Bernstein, Mark. "10 Tips on Writing the Living Web." A List Apart: For People Who Make Websites. A List Apart Mag., 16 Aug Web. 4 May Personal interview:Smith, Jane. Personal interview. 19 May 2014.
Presentation/Room Prep It is your job to prepare the room for the interview! Water, snacks etc. Remember the community panel is donating their time to your senior project! –Be prepared to answer questions from panel about: –Job Shadows –Occupation WOIS Info –Have a packet for each member of the panel with: –Resume –Application –Letters of Recommendation