Cognitive Dissonance Theory How can someone continue to smoke when he or she knows that smoking causes lung cancer? Cognitive dissonance is aroused whenever someone holds two cognitions that are psychologically inconsistent I smoke Its going to kill me You need to resolve the dissonance You say maybe smoking isn’t so bad after all or I’m not going to smoke anymore
Early Explorations into Dissonance When Prophecy Fails Brehm (1956) - Free Choice Paradigm Festinger & Carlsmith- Insufficient Justification
Festinger & Carlsmith Results
Festinger & Carlsmith - Rationalization
Early Explorations into Dissonance (cont.) When Prophecy Fails Brehm (1956) - Free Choice Paradigm Festinger & Carlsmith- Insufficient Justification Became the Forced Compliance Paradigm
Self-Perception Theory Bem says we don’t need all that inconsistent cognitions stuff, we watch our own behavior and infer our attitudes from what we see. He replicated Festinger & Carlsmith and observers made inferences about the subject’s behavior that was consistent with the subject’s attitude change. Overjustification effect Lepper, Green, & Nisbett
Lepper, Greene, & Nisbett, (1973) - Overjustification Effect
Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation and Rewards
Arousal and Dissonance Zanna, & Cooper (1974) Study - Dissonance and the Pill.
Zanna & Cooper (1974) Dissonance & the Pill
Zanna, & Cooper (1974) Study - Dissonance and the Pill. Fazio, Zanna, & Cooper (1977) - provides an integretion of dissonance and self perception theories Within lattitude of acceptance you get self-perception Outside lattitude of acceptance you get cognitive dissonance Arousal and Dissonance (cont.)
Fazio, Zanna, Cooper, (1977) - Integration of Dissonance and Self-Perception