Early Years Provider Information Evening 6 th and 16 th October 2014
40% most financially disadvantaged eligible from September 2014 Estimated 2,032 children eligible in Somerset Estimated 1,453 have applied under new criteria Includes families in work (working tax credit), some of whom already access childcare Hourly rate £4.85 Two-year old funding
Demand still concentrated in urban areas Shortage areas are Bridgwater, Burnham / Highbridge and Wincanton New housing is creating additional pressures or adding to existing pressures in Taunton, Yeovil and Bridgwater
The Early Years Pupil Premium Information for providers
What is the Early Years Pupil Premium? Extra funding : Early years providers will receive an extra £300 a year for each eligible child accessing the full 570 hours with them. All providers delivering funded early education places will be eligible to receive the EYPP. Children will not need to access the full entitlement to be eligible for the EYPP, providers will be paid on a pro rata basis. The EYPP will be set at a national hourly rate. Local authorities will pass the full rate for each eligible child onto the provider. 5
Who is eligible for the EYPP? Three and four year olds accessing funded early education who: Meet the criteria for Free School Meals; or have been looked after by the local authority for at least one day; or Have been adopted from care; or Are subject of a special guardianship order or child arrangements order. 6
How can providers support the EYPP? Providers will be responsible for passing on details of eligible children to LAs based on parental declaration. Declaration will be voluntary. Providers should make parents aware of the EYPP, highlighting the benefits for their child encouraging them to self declare. 7
How should providers use the extra funding? To raise the quality of their early years education offer Providers should use evidence about what works when making decisions about how to spend the EYPP. Providers may wish to consider pooling their EYPP funding to purchase shared services and/or use the EYPP to buy services from teaching school alliances. Evidence shows that having a graduate in a setting helps to improve the quality of practice and that graduates made the biggest difference in settings in disadvantaged areas. 8
Stretched Offer Notification of Intention – in your packs Limited offer for 4 year olds 4 in Autumn funding period will receive 8/12ths of 570hrs starting in Spring funding period 4 in Spring funding period will receive 5/12ths of 570hrs in Summer funding period With effect from April 2015
Collaborative Agreement Outlines the way in which Early Years Providers and getset services can collaboratively work together- a common understanding Named contact link worker allocated to each setting Providers are a key player in the identification and assessment of problems at an early stage getset family support workers –share data and info, agree who will take lead on CAF, support monitoring process for funded 2 year olds and supported childcare places Team around the child meetings
Workshops A - Reorganising your business to meet legislation and remain viable (remain in this room) B - Safeguarding (My Sanctuary) C - What does “outstanding” look like (My Events) D - SEND and the Local Offer (My Place)
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