Kate Crabtree Head of Vocational Qualification & Credit Development, Qualification Division Department for Education & Skills Welsh Government
Learning Area Programmes Vocational Qualification Reform process The revised QCF qualifications were often smaller than previous NQF qualifications In many cases suited the needs of adults but not the needs of year olds Caused 2 problems:- a)for providers/learners – additional qualifications delivered, making it onerous for learners and lectures b)for funders – DfES want to give a fair rate of funding to reflect the cost of deliverers and want the learning provided to fit the needs of learners
Commissioned a consultant, and after much debate concluded that for full time learners being funded on the amount of credit allocated to a qualification was not viable Allocation of credit is not an exact science, And credit reflects amount of learning not the amount of teaching
Proposal Alternative was to fund an entitlement of learning. Agreement that full time learners need a balanced programme of learning incorporating skills, the main vocational programme, additionality (proportions can flex but overall contact has remain within broad parameters) NB –Applies to all full time learners – not an ‘age range’ initiative There are increasing numbers of year olds undertaking FT courses. Is a ‘delivery mode’ initiative.
So project set up with Colegau Cymru, working with the FEI’s- so sector owned solution. SSC invited to contribute Benefits to learners - undertake coherent programming of study, within broad parameters Should simplify funding - aim to fund an ‘approved’ LAP at a set rate (differentiated by sector) Should go someway to meeting the Ministers agenda - ‘too much choice’ and that focus should now be on ‘quality’ Welsh language - more achievable to translate a more refined selection of qualifications In line with the Wolf Report in England In discussion with colleagues internally-policy alignment with Quality, WBQ