назад School Seasons Domestic animals Wild animals
назад Answer the questions I know the English grammar Make up the sentenses with the words English – speaking countries
Literature History Space Politics
What do pupils read? назад School (100)
What do pupils sing? назад School (200)
With what do pupils write? назад School (300)
Where do pupils sit? назад School (400)
What season is hot? назад Seasons (100)
What season is cold? назад Seasons (200)
In what seasons do pupils go to school? назад Seasons (300)
What season comes after winter? назад Seasons (400)
What animal gives milk? назад Domestic animals (100)
What animal drinks milk? назад Domestic animals (200)
What animal can speak? назад Domestic animals (300)
назад Domestic animals (400) What animal is the friend of people?
назад Wild animals (100) What animal is very tall?
What animal lives in a river? назад Wild animals (200)
Cat in hat
назад Cat in a hat (300) Name five kinds of sports played in England.
Where does a tiger live? назад Wild animals (400)
In what country is Big Ben? назад English- speaking countries (400)
In what country do people like to play hockey? English- speaking countries (600) назад
In what country do kangaroos live? English- speaking countries (800) назад
What is the symbol of New Zealand? English- speaking countries (1000) назад
Have you a new bike? Answer the questions (400) назад
What colour is the sky today? Answer the questions (600) назад
What do you like to do on Sunday? Answer the questions (800) назад
Who teaches you English? Answer the questions (1000) назад
Его ферма большая. I know the English grammar (400) назад
Их мама – медицинская сестра. I know the English grammar (600) назад
У них новая машина. I know the English grammar (800) назад
Его игрушечный самолет не в небе. I know the English grammar (1000) назад
a small town Make up the sentenses with the words (400) назад
a narrow window Make up the sentences with the words (600) назад
a short tail Make up the sentences with the words (800) назад
a small purple ball Make up the sentences with the words (1000) назад
Who wrote «Romeo and Juliet»?
Who discovered America?
Who was the first spaсeman?
Who made the first computer?
Who is the leader of the UK?