Minimizing Risk in Service Learning
This module will cover the following topics: Why Risk Management Tips for Minimizing Risk in Service Learning Communication Emergencies Transportation Setting Boundaries Scenarios Quiz
Why Risk Management? Ensure safe and positive service environments where risk and liability are minimized Assist students in becoming more aware of their surroundings and reducing risks
General Tips on Minimizing Risk Community-based risks to service-learning students cannot be controlled by the University. Students must decide whether or not they feel comfortable participating at a particular site Be aware of your surroundings. Educate yourself about the site and neighborhood in which you are working
General Tips on Minimizing Risk Do NOT bring valuables to the site Do NOT consume or be under the influence of alcohol or controlled substance Travel and work in pairs Background checks may be requested when working with specific groups of people (children, elderly, etc.) Community based organization is responsible for requesting the check
Communication Tips Ask the community partner (supervisor / staff member) for training Know your own limitations Follow-up with your professor if you feel uncomfortable Request an alternative service site if you continue to feel uncomfortable or unsafe with your current site
Emergencies In case of an emergency, immediately contact 911 Then contact your site coordinator Carry emergency contact information for your site with you Familiarize yourself with the site’s emergency procedures Always carry your health insurance card
Transportation Drive carefully, the university is not liable for students getting to and from their service learning site Do not give community partners a ride in a personal vehicle
Setting Boundaries Do NOT give or loan community partners money or other personal belongings Do NOT tolerate talk or behavior of a sexual nature. If you feel harassed, tell your supervisor or instructor. Do NOT engage in any business with community partners during your service Do NOT enter into a personal relationship with a community partner during the term of your service
Scenarios You are doing surveys in a rough neighborhood in town. Normally you work in pairs but your partner is unable to come. What do you do? Response: Re-schedule your survey for another day when both of you can attend. Working in pairs is key to your safety.
Scenarios The community partner asks you help in building a local community center. You are asked to cut a log with a chainsaw but you have never been trained on using power tools and you feel uncomfortable. What do you do? Response: Ask the community partner for training on how to use the power tool. If you are still uncomfortable, voice your concerns to the community partner and your professor. Know your limitations and do not be afraid to voice concern.
References Boise State Safety Tips, fety-tips/ California State University. Best Practices for Managing Risk in Service Learning Jen Gilbride-Brown. “Risk Management in Community-Based Learning.” Ohio Campus Contact.