A local system in practice I have designed and implementing a livelihood/Climate Change integrated DRR Project in most vulnerable part of the country in the mountain region, where no means of communication is in place. We have provided Satellite phone facilities in the most remote parts of the 2 nd highest mountain region of the world called “K-2” range. Indigenous information management system has been linked with scientific information dissemination system. It is two way communication generate from community to local government administration and there to national agencies and EWS from federal agencies to local communities. This system is working well and we have a proper monitoring and synergies established with all actors for dissemination of information and information management. Detail will shared if required.
PRCS NHQGRC Joint PRCS/GRC LCCA/DRR Project GB PRCS PHQ DISTRICT BRANCH Coordination Councils Community based organizations Community of Basha and Braldo, Shigar Skardu DDMA Police DEPT SW DPT CSOs MET DEPT Building Resilience of the mountain communities through partnership and collective action. Research Institutions Visionary structure with ultimate objectives
Integrated coordination and information sharing system District Emergency operation Center PRCS District Emergency information center Police Department MET Office Operatibility center EIC at CC EIC at Askoli EIC at Arandu PRCS Provincial Information Center GBDMA Emergency Operation Center EIC: means Emergency information Centre CC: means Coordination Council National Emergency management information system.