M OTIVATION : DDOS attack in network and transport layer has been in discussion a lot but not much in application layer. This attack is simple but very difficult in tracking down the parties involved. Preventing this attack we can save users valuable time. Generally DDOS attacks are performed in the government websites so that anti government can be in profit. Security risks. Reputation and crediblity risks.
INTRODUCTION OF WORK: Social networking Antisocial Networks DDOS attack Botnets Puppetnets
LITERATURE REVIEW: AuthorYearRemarks V. T. Lam, S. Antonatos, P. Akritidis, and K. G. Anagnostakis. August 2006Puppetnets: Misusing web browsers as a distributed attack infrastructure Erwin Louis Carrow 2007Puppetnets and Botnets: Information TechnologyVulnerabi lity Exploits that Threaten Basic Internet Use V. T. Lam, S. Antonatos, P. Akritidis, and K. G. Anagnostakis. September 2008Antisocial Networks: Turning a Social Network into a Botnet
LITERATURE REVIEW: AuthorYearRemarks Michael Robertson, Yin Pan, and Bo Yuan B. Thomas Golisano November 2010A Social Approach to Security: Using SN to Help DetectMalicious Web Content Hongyu Gao, Jun Hu, Tuo Huang, Jingnan Wang and Yan Chen 2011Security Issues in Social Networks Gail-Joon Ahn, MoAnnaSquicciarini hamed Shehab 2011Security and Privacy in Social Networks Sanjay B Ankali, Dr. D V Ashoka Volume: 03, Issue: 01, Pages: (2011) Detection Architecture of Application Layer DDoS Attack for Internet
PROBLEM DEFINATION & OBJECTIVE Study of DDOS attack on Facebook and its detection by using the concept of botspy.
M ETHODOLOGY : ATTACKS Security plans Theoretical Framework Analysis Literature Review Result Analysis Simulation Modeling Conclusion Inclusion Of Security Plans
GANTT CHART: Literature review Objective And Motivation Theoretical Framework analysis Methodology Security plan Simulation and Modelling Result and Conclusion Report Writing
FUTURE WORK: Defence against DDOS attack Tracking botnets i.e to observe botnets Gather some data about the existing botnets.
DELIVERABLE & CONCLUSION Security of Social networking sites from attacks like DDOS attack. Security of users from being involved in malicious activities unknowingly Availability of network resources and avoid interrupt network service for a long period of time. Security for those who suffers from revenue loss due to these attacks. Good business reputation and less operational expenses. to detect traffic anomalies and filter out only the attack traffic while maintaining the uninterrupted flow of legitimate traffic.
REFERENCES: A. T. Williams and J. Heiser. Protect your PCs and Servers From the Bothet Threat. December V. T. Lam, S. Antonatos, P. Akritidis, and K. G. Anagnostakis. Puppetnets: Misusing web browsers as a distributed attack infrastructure.August 2006 Erwin Louis Carrow, Puppetnets and Botnets: Information Technology Vulnerability Exploits that Threaten Basic Internet Use, conference 07 E. Athanasopoulos1, A. Makridakis, S.Antonatos, D. Antoniades. Antisocial Networks: Turning a Social Network into a Botnet. September 2008 Hacking Social Networks. L.Greinier.April 2009
REFERENCES: A Social Approach to Security: Using SN to Help DetectMalicious Web Content. Michael Robertson, Yin Pan, and Bo Yuan B. Thomas Golisano Nov Security Issues in Social Networks. Hongyu Gao, Jun Hu, Tuo Huang, Jingnan Wang and Yan Chen. IEEE conference Security and Privacy in Social Networks. Gail-Joon Ahn, MoAnnaSquicciarinihamed Shehab IEEE conference Detection Architecture of Application Layer DDoS Attack for Internet, Sanjay B Ankali, Dr. D V Ashoka, Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications Volume: 03, Issue: 01, Pages: (2011)