Cordillera Administrative Region
Baguio City Tabuk City Abra Apayao Benguet Ifugao Kalinga Mt. Province Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) Established on July 15, 1987 by virtue of EO 220 signed by then President Corazon Aquino; Provinces & Cities;
Barangay Tuding, Itogon, Benguet
MUSHROOM PRODUCTION P 500, DOLE GPB (BUB) FY Beneficiaries Kid-eng Dacalle Tuding, Itogon, Benguet
Orientation activity…
Hands-on/ training proper…
Harvesting period…
Mushroom product…
MEETING CHALLENGES… Inactive participants/meetings when the project was still starting Actions Taken: Regular meetings Developed operation policy on the status of membership Outcome: There were 20 fully pledged members involved in the livelihood program
WHAT MAKES IT A SUCCESSFUL PROJECT? Convergence of members (volunteerism) Counterpart A. Housing of mushroom fruiting B. Extension of working area Became a supplier of fruiting bags to another municipality (Bugias with 370 fruiting bags) CSO Monitoring Team (Community Mobilizer and UBAS)
Sa BUB May Say Kami!!! Let us continue BUB…
A message from one of the beneficiaries ….
Manyaman Kami Amin!