Department of Computer Science 2015 Faculty of Science University of Helsinki Faculty of Science Department of Computer Science1
Faculty of Science Department of Computer Science University of Helsinki The largest and the oldest university in Finland Key data for 2014 students employees 300 subjects degrees/year 480 PhDs/year Founded in Turku 1640 Moved to Helsinki 1828
Faculty of Science Department of Computer Science Faculty of Science / Kumpula Campus Departments Chemistry Computer science Geosciences and Geography Mathematics and Statistics Physics
Leading institution in Computer Science in Finland Students and employees 2014 students (53 PhD students; nearly credits) 266 employees (168.7 FTE, 31.9% foreign, 20.3 % female) Part of the Faculty of Science Located in Exactum, Kumpula Campus Renowned for high quality of research and teaching Department of Computer Science Faculty of Science Department of Computer Science
BSc programme and four MSc programmes spezialising into Algorithms, Data Analytics and Machine Learning Algorithmic Bioinformatics Networking and Services Software Systems A study profile in Data Science Most MSc courses in English Teaching is based on research New activity: MOOCs National unit of excellence in higher education (Ministry of Education), and Faculty of Science Department of Computer Science Teaching
MOOCs Faculty of Science Department of Computer Science “I can see a day soon where you’ll create your own college degree by taking the best online courses from the best professors from around the world — paying only the nominal fee for the certificates of completion. It will change teaching, learning and the pathway to employment.” - Thomas Friedman in NYTimes 27 Jan 2013
Faculty of Science Department of Computer Science Research Focal areas of research Data analysis Networking and services Software research Novel areas: security, human-computer interaction, computational creativity, big data, Internet of Things, cloud computing PhD education Theory & applications & co-operation Basic research & applied research Core computer science & modern areas Research highlight 2014: Computational poetry in Frankfurt Book Fair
Professors of the department 8 Faculty of Science Department of Computer Science N. Asokan Security and privacy Aapo Hyvärinen Neuro- informatics Giulio Jacucci Interactive systems, HCI Jussi Kangasharju Data networks and distributed systems Jyrki Kivinen Machine learning, algorithms Jukka Paakki Software systems Sasu Tarkoma Distributed systems and data communications Petri Myllymäki Intelligent systems, probability models Veli Mäkinen Combinatorial pattern matching Hannu Toivonen Data mining, bioinformatics, comp creativity Esko Ukkonen Algorithms, combinatorial pattern matching, bioinformatics, machine learning Jürgen Münch Software systems Tomi Männistö Software engineering Valtteri Niemi Security
Some 25 research groups Participating in several research units Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT Joint research institute with Aalto University Three Finnish Centres of Excellence (CoEs): Cancer Genetics (CoECGR), Computational Inference (COIN), and Inversion Problems. Strategic Centre for Science, Technology and Innovation in ICT Faculty of Science Department of Computer Science Research
International quality confirmed in research evaluations 1999 : 7/7 (UH international evaluation) 2005 : 7/7 (UH international evaluation) 2007: Academy of Finland: “... an obvious leader in computer science in Finland...” 2011 UH international evaluation: one of the best departments Faculty of Science Department of Computer Science Research quality
Allocated funds Graduate schools, CoEs and performance-based funding External funding Academy of Finland Tekes Industries EU funding Other funding from abroad UH foundations Other Total Faculty of Science Department of Computer Science Funding in million euros
Refereed journal articles Refereed conference articles Books10202 Other publications Total Faculty of Science Department of Computer Science Number of publications
Bachelor’s degrees Master’s degrees PhD degrees Faculty of Science Department of Computer Science Degrees
High impact on computer science: During 2014, total 188 refereed publications High citation rates Strong utilization of results: industrial co-operation, standards, spin-offs, software, patents Extensive collaboration International and domestic In computer science and across disciplines Impact also on other sciences Investments into researcher training Faculty of Science Department of Computer Science Impact on science and society
Faculty of Science Department of Computer Science Linux The Linux OS Started in 1991 and version 1.0 released in 1994 Linux turns 25 years in 2016 The department uses Linux since about 20 years Linus Torvalds Developer of the Linux OS was a student and employee at the department in
High performance cluster with 240 nodes Highly computationally intensive tasks (data analysis, simulations) Used both in research and education at the department One of the most powerful clusters in Finland ”A million dollar super computer” called Ukko Faculty of Science Department of Computer Science
Students work seven weeks, four or five full days a week Focus on Education Entrepreneurship Research “Software Factory project was the best course I have ever had. Including my whole history of education.” Tatu Kairi, University of Helsinki Software Factory Faculty of Science Department of Computer Science
Facility for supporting networking and services related research and teaching activities Highlights Software-defined networks HCI Lab Home gateway test-bed Wireless experiments Energy modelling Connection to the Ukko cluster for combined real-life and simulation/ emulation experiments NODES laboratory Faculty of Science Department of Computer Science
One of resource centres of the Finland’s Science Education Centre LUMA Different activities in computer science for school children and young people Clubs Summer camps Linkki centre Faculty of Science Department of Computer Science
Space where novel interaction in between human, computer, and the physical environment can be developed and experimented Place for HCI experiments and design explorations Interaction Lab Faculty of Science Department of Computer Science
Faculty of Science Department of Computer Science More information Department of Computer Science P.O.Box 68 (Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2b) FIN University of Helsinki Telephone: (switchboard) Fax: