Aiken County Public Schools Office Of Federal Programs McKinney Vento Homeless Education Program CHILDREN AND YOUTH EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS
The Law: McKinney Vento The McKinney Vento Homeless Act was signed into law in 1987 The McKinney Vento Homeless Act was reauthorized in 2001 to ensure educational accessibility and success The McKinney legislation protects the educational rights of homeless children and youth The removal of barriers is mandated by law The right to remain in their school of origin The immediate enrollment of homeless children/youth Identified homeless children/youth are protected under the law for an entire school calendar year
The Definition of Homeless The federal definition of homeless includes the following: o Homeless or homeless individual as an individual who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate night-time residence, i.e. motels, hotels, etc o A supervised publicly or privately operated shelter designed to provide temporarily living accommodations o Children and youth who are doubled-up due to economic hardship, loss of housing, etc. o Youth who are considered “throw-away”, abandoned and/or removed by parents, guardians.
BARRIERS o Personal bias/perception about homelessness o Birth Certificate o Immunization Record o Social Security o Proof of Residency o Transportation to school of origin o Unaccompanied Youth Status o Biological Parent/Legal Guardian o PASS / Graduation/AYP Factors o Other records, documents required for school enrollment
6 HOMELESS STUDENT INFORMATION o PRIMARY NIGHT TIME RESIDENCE: o S:Shelters, Transitional housing, or awaiting foster care o Doubled-up: sharing housing of other persons, relatives, friends) due to economic hardship, loss of housing o U:Unsheltered, cars, parks, campgrounds, temporary. trailers, abandoned buildings, etc. o H: Hotels, motels o UNACCOMPANIED YOUTH: o Youth who are homeless and do not reside with a legal parent or guardian POWERSCHOOL: McKINNEY VENTO SCREEN TO CODE FOR EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS Primary Night Time Residence (At the time of the initial identification of homelessness) S-Shelters, transitional housing, awaiting foster care Served by McKinney-VentoY-Yes Unaccompanied youthY-Yes
Contact Information: Barbara Duffield, Policy Director for NAEHCY National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth Linda Mirabel-Pace, State Homeless Coordinator Jeanie Glover, Director of Office of Federal Programs Sherida S. Stroman, District McKinney Vento Liaison