INTER-CLUB COUNCIL Quick Reference:How to Request Club Funds and Fundraise
How to Request Funds Option A: If Asking ICC for Money 1. You must request to be on the following ICC meeting’s agenda. 2. Have a presentation to explain what the request is to be used for. 3. Get voted on during the ICC meeting. 4. Depending on the outcome, turn in your paper work 2 weeks in advance.
How to Use Funds from Personal Club Account or ICC Account (for everything except food) Option B: If you have money in your club fund account 1. Hold a vote in your club meeting, and make sure the outcome to the vote is recorded in your club’s minutes. 2. Purchase item(s) out of pocket, and make sure to hold on to your receipt. 3. Within 7 days of purchase make sure to turn in appropriate paper work with receipt to Student Development Office. 4. You will be reimbursed within 4 weeks if you have money in your club fund account.
How to Fundraise One option is to use the Fundraising Plan which is provided by the ICC Executive for every Club-Rush. First of all you must make sure to turn in your Fundraising plan application 2 weeks prior to the Club-Rush date. In this form you are able to request any item(s) that can either be sold or used to make items to be sold during the Club-Rush. The total items requested have to be under $40. Requested items will be purchased by the ICC Executive Board.
How to Fundraise If you decide to ask ICC for money in order to fundraise, you can do the following: 1. Come-up with your own fundraising idea/plan such as selling shirts (as done by CNSA) or See’s Candy (as done by Architecture Club) or …. 2. Go to Student Development to ask for the fundraising resources that are available to you at anytime (RossCo Promotions)
RossCo Promotions RossCo Promotions is a full service fund raising company that provides you with items to sell and fundraise. For example: Dutch Mill Bulbs Spring Planting-Summer Blooming Fall Planting-Spring Blooming Flower Bulbs Guaranteed to Bloom Sell For $7 Group Profit is $3.50 (50%) Minimum Order 25 FREE Order Sheets & Shipping
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Ideas for Funds You can ask money for food, but preferably funds should be used to promote your club and benefit the campus and student life. Examples include: The Architecture club and their educational trips to Arcosanti. The CNSA club for Discover Nursing Night for boys and girls scouts. The ACLAMO and their film screening for the day of the death.