Public Policy Day 1 Think of a school policy… and why it exists. Ex. No running in the hallways Why does this policy exist? To keep students safe… Day 11/5
Public Policy – Day 1 Schools have policies…….and so does the government. Policies that address our concerns and issues are called Public Policies. Public Policy – The attempt of government to address a social or public issue through a law or series of laws. Day 12/5
Public Policy – Day 1 Discussion Think about where you live. Identify something that has changed as a result of the government. Ex. A speed limit change, enforced curfew, noise limitations, texting and driving or pet restrictions… Day 13/5
Public Policy – Day 1 1.Turn to the Textbook’s Index (page R76) locate the “Students Take Action” feature. 1.Each team will be assigned one Students Take Action topic. 1.You will have 10 minutes to read it and be prepared to share what you and your partner have learned. (who, what, when, where, why, how) Let’s Investigate! Day 14/5
Public Policy – Day 1 1.Each partnership will share the Who, What, Where, When, Why and How of their topic. 2.Let’s discuss! – How can students can affect their communities? 3.Now, work individually to brainstorm a list of 3-5 problems in your community that you think could be fixed through public policy. Write these down on a sheet of notebook paper. Round Robin Sharing Day 14/5
Public Policy – Day 1 1.You will choose one problem in your neighborhood, community, or city that you believe can be fixed via public policy and that would like to write a letter about. 2.You may want to collect evidence to validate the problem and help you write your letter Ex. Digital photo, article, testimonial from a neighbor, audio recording… Home Learning Activity Day 15/5
Public Policy – Day 2 Share as a class the problems identified to be solved through public policy Think, Pair, Share Day 21/13
Public Policy – Day 2 Discuss possible problems and their solutions in detail Report It Out Day 22/13
Public Policy – Day 2 You will each draft a letter to a state/local government official that addresses your selected issue/problem and two possible solutions.. Day 2 The Public Policy Project! 5/13
Public Policy – Day 2 Requirements: You should address one Local or State issue in your letter Address your personal public policy topic in the introduction paragraph of your letter Include at least two possible solutions to your Local or State issue in the body paragraphs of your letter Include a “call to action” or “request for help” from your Local or State official in the Concluding paragraph Your letter must be very neatly handwritten in ink It should be between words – DUE TODAY! Day 2 The Public Policy Project! 5/13
Public Policy – Day 2 Requirements: Day 2 The Public Policy Project! 5/13 Address one Local or State issue in your letter_______ / 3 points Address your personal public policy topic in the introduction paragraph of your letter _______ / 3 points Include at least two possible solutions to your Local or State issue in the body ______ / 3 points for 1 st Solution ______ / 3 points for 2 nd Solution Include a “call to action” or “request for help” from your Local or State official in the Concluding paragraph ______/ 3 points Your letter must be very neatly handwritten in ink______ / 1 points It should be between words______ / 2 points Proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.______ / 2 points Total: ______ / 20 Points