Decent Work for Young Precarious Workers in EU27 Jorge Cabrita Research Officer Industrial Relations and Workplace Developments Helping Young Workers During the Crisis Madrid, 12 July 2011
Outline Context WC of young workers – EWCS 2010 CAR – methodology and objectives Initiatives to help young workers Conclusions
Context Difficulties to enter the LM – “scarring” effect Less secure employment conditions (fixed term contracts + part-time + temporary agency work) Amplification by the economic crisis – restructuring & unemployment Consequences of keeping young people out of the LM – professional and personal development
European Working Conditions Survey 2010 Do young workers have different working conditions in comparison to their counterparts? European Working Conditions Survey 2010 Do young workers have different working conditions in comparison to their counterparts?
Jobs physically more demanding Indices for exposure to physical risks (EU27 average = 100)
Jobs technologically less advanced Use of technology at work, EU27 (%)
Sense of (in)security?!? Percentage (strongly) agreeing they might lose their job in the next six months
Sense of (in)security?!? In 2010, in the EU27, 21% of workers under 25 are afraid they might lose their jobs in the next 6 months.
Eurofound - EIRO European Industrial Relations Observatory Comparative Analytical Report Helping young workers during the crisis: Contributions by social partners and public authorities
Comparative Analytical Report Methodology Common questionnaire; 28 national correspondents (EU27 + NO) Output : Overview Report (web-based) + 28 national contributions (answers to the questionnaire; web-based)
Comparative Analytical Report Objectives Analyse the labour market situation of young workers in the EU27 and Norway since the beginning of the crisis; Identify and assess recent government and social partners’ initiatives, measures or programmes aiming at maintaining young workers in the labour market or facilitating their (re)integration during and after the crisis.
Public authorities initiatives Education system reform(s) Promotion of apprenticeships, training & work exp programmes ALMPs Labour legislation Examples: DE, DK, RO, CZ, GR, IE Issues: Transition from school + Gender + Transition to LM Incentives to employment and training – subsidies, tax reductions, etc. Examples: GR, LT, NL, ES, SE, IE, CY, RO Exemptions or < taxes and SS contributions for companies hiring YP PT – > participation in educ via VT HU – adaptation to companies needs DE – pre-vocational training NL, ES, GR – reduction of barriers to entry – Highly controversial: SPs
Social Dialogue for the Youth TradeUnionsTradeUnions Employers’OrganisationsEmployers’Organisations Recognition of particular difficulties facing YW Education systems reform Development of apprenticeships & traineeships Recognition of particular difficulties facing YW Education systems reform Development of apprenticeships & traineeships Quality of jobs offered to youth after completing education or an apprenticeship has to be assessed! Reduction of barriers for hiring young people: lower employment protection & lower wages!
Tripartite examples Austria – efforts to mitigate the effects of the crisis since 2008: tripartite agreement set up a re-employment scheme for young workers in SMEs and temporary agencies who lost their jobs; Hungary – national initiatives to help disadvantaged young people to return to education and young workers to work; Bulgaria – as part of wider employment measures, social partners have agreed on increasing apprenticechips and incentives for employers to train young workers.
Bipartite example France – July 2010, bipartite negotiations created framework for new internet based jobs advice service – information and resources on occupations, job search, lifelong training, etc.
Company agreements France – PSA Peugeot Citroën,4 trade unions and Group of European Automobile Unions signed an agreement by which the company was committed to hire Young workers in Bayard signed an agreement with five unions: replacing retiring workers with recruits under 30. Germany – Deutche Telekom: single employer agreement guaranteeing permanent employment after apprenticeships. - Volkswagen: agreed to expand the apprenticeships programme and guarantee of employment at the end of the training.
Conclusions I Social Partners recognise the problems facing young people, in general, and young workers, in particular Collective bargaining can play a crucial role in overcoming those problems appropriate targeting support & commitment from Social Partners and Governments. Effective initiatives require appropriate targeting and support & commitment from Social Partners and Governments.
Conclusions II proper vacancies & support Training and apprenticeship opportunities require appropriate follow up: proper vacancies & support. Austerity measures = Budgetary constraints withdrawal of support?!? Austerity measures = Budgetary constraints = withdrawal of support?!? Competing demographic pressures Competing demographic pressures (Young & Older) in a context of scarce job creation = enormous challenge for Governments & Social Partners!
Thanks ! Jorge Cabrita Research Officer Industrial Relations and Workplace Developments