Setting Time and place of the action in a story
Time Historical period middle ages Relative time present, past Year 1990 Season spring, fall Time of day 2:00 pm Weather rain, snow
Place Country England, Brazil State, city New Jersey Region Midwest, Ozark Mt. Community the Poconos Neighborhood Ridgewood Building house, school
Verbal Imagery: vivid figurative language used to create a clear picture Write a description of the setting for the picture. Be sure to use vivid adjectives. Make sure your words create a picture so readers can visualize it. Remember you are writing to a person who hasn’t seen the place.
Author’s Purpose To entertain To teach To call to action To reflect on an experience
Author’s Purpose Use the chart below to determine author’s purpose.
Using Author’s Purpose What is the author’s purpose in the following examples? 1. But they were running and turning their faces up to the sky and feeling the sun on their checks like a warm iron; they were taking off their jackets and letting the sun burn their arms. 2. There was talk that her father and mother were taking her back to Earth next year; it seemed vital to her that they do so, though it would mean the loss of thousands of dollars to her family.
Vocabulary Preview 1. Slackening: easing; becoming less active 2. Vital: extremely important or necessary 3. Tumultuously: noisily and violently 4. Resilient: springing back into shape
All Summer In A Day by: Ray Bradbury In “All Summer in a Day,” rain has fallen for seven years straight. Give three reasons to explain whether or not you could live in such a climate. Use at least three of the following words: benefit, survive, require, adjust.