In The Name Of Allah
Scope Networking researchers, experts, research institutes and industrial unites which are active in the field of EHS Determining national priorities in direction with mission of nanosafety network and performing these priorities with cooperation of other related national organization and centers Writing national and international standards, Guidelines and Regulation in the filed of nano EHS Providing the necessary hardware and software infrastructures
INSN structure Iran Nanotechnology Initiative Council INSN Chairman of INSN secretariat Steering committee Human Health WG1 Occupational safety WG2 Environmental Health WG3 Nanoethics WG4
INSN activities Studying of national and international activities in the field of nanosafety, and other similar network Different activities in training and holding workshop and congress Holding first national seminar” safety and standardization in nanotechnology on June 2012 holding safety of nanomaterial in human health and environment 2 workshop “safety of nano agriculture products “ Holding workshop” Health and safety practices in nano laboratories” Oct. 2013
215 abstract were submitted – 147 accepted 128 poster 19 oral 55% of abstract were Toxicology and ecotoxicology 29% Methodology: characterization, detection and monitoring 9% Occupational and Environmental Interaction 6% Exposure assessment and ethic, regulation and standardization
10 Keynote and Invited speaker Workshop Advances in nanomedicine R & D
Nation’s Gate Takht-e-Jamshid Shiraz, IRAN