Prime Areas Personal, Social and Emotional Development Making Relationships Self-Confidence and Self-Awareness Managing Feelings and Behaviour Communication and Language Listening and Attention Understanding Speaking Physical Development Moving and Handling Health and Self-Care
Personal, Social and Emotional Development The children will be learning to: Become self-confident Have awareness of their own feelings and feelings of others Take an interest in things Become independent Tell the difference between right and wrong
Development Matters PSED months
Ways you can help your child with PSED Play turn taking games such as snap or board games Name feelings such as sad, happy, cross etc. and model how to express these ‘I am feeling cross because.. Value and support decisions made by children Give children responsibility, offer help when they ask! Encourage pretend play as this allows children to express their feelings Show your own concern and respect for others, living things and the environment. Give children clear boundaries and tell them your expectations. It’s okay to say ‘no’! Discuss how we can make people feel happy
Communication and Language The children will be learning to: Talk confidently and clearly Show awareness of listener Enjoy listening to stories, songs and poems, showing good attention Follow instructions Answer questions about stories
Development Matters CL months
Ways you can help your child with CL Read books where children can join in with repetitive phrases Continue to speak home language at home Model being a good listener, looking at your child as they speak to you Play games which involve listening for a signal, such as ‘Simon Says’, and use ‘ready, steady…go!’ Sing lots of nursery rhymes and play silly rhyming games Listen for environment al sounds when out with your children Comment on what children are doing- “Oh you are jumping over the puddle” Talk to children as they play, commenting on what they are doing Use Blank Level questioning (See separate handout) Give child time to answer and model correct sentence back to them (See ‘Top Tips for Talking’ handout)
Physical Development The children will be learning to: Move confidently Control their body Handle equipment Manage their own basic hygiene and personal needs including dressing and undressing independently
Development Matters PD months
Ways you can help your child with PD Value the ways children choose to move. Encourage children to do their own buttons, zips and poppers on their clothes. Give them time to put their own shoes on and dress themselves. Allow children to take risks when jumping, running etc. DANCE! Dough Disco- roll, squeeze, pat, pinch playdough Involve children in preparing food Provide a healthy diet and discuss why we need to eat healthy food Encourage children to notice the changes in their bodies after exercise, such as their heart beating faster. Support children in being independen t using the toilet Encourage children to use a knife and fork when eating instead of a spoon