SCOPE-CM: Inter-calibration Projects Rob Roebeling, Marie Bouchez Doutriaux, Alessio Lattanzio, Viju John, Sebastien Wagner, and Tim Hewison EUMETSAT
GSICS Meeting, March 2014, Darmstadt, Germany Introduction
GSICS Meeting, March 2014, Darmstadt, Germany Core-Climax: System Maturity Matrix Maturity SOFTWARE READINESS METADATAUSER DOCUMENTATION UNCERTAINTY CHARACTERISATION PUBLIC ACCESS, FEEDBACK, UPDATE USAGE 1 Conceptual developmentNone Limited scientific description of the methodology available from PI NoneRestricted availability from PINone 2 Research grade codeResearch grade Comprehensive scientific description of the methodology, report on limited validation, and limited product user guide available from PI; paper on methodology is sumitted for peer-review Standard uncertainty nomenclature is idenitified or defined; limited validation done; limited information on uncertainty available Data avaliable from PI, feedback through scientific exchange, irregular updates by PI Research: Benefits for applications identified DSS: Potential benefits identified 3 Research code with partially applied standards; code contains header and comments, and a README file; PI affirms portability, numerical reproducibility and no security problems Standards defined or identified; sufficient to use and understand the data and extract discovery metadata Score 2 + paper on methodology published; comprehensive validation report available from PI and a paper on validation is submitted; comprehensive user guide is available from PI; Limited description of operations concept available from PI Score 2 + standard nomenclature applied; validation extended to full product data coverage, comprehensive information on uncertainty available; methods for automated monitoring defined Data and documentation publically available from PI, feedback through scientifc exchange, irregular updates by PI Research: Benefits for applications demonstrated. DSS: Use occuring and benefits emerging 4 Score 3 + draft software installation/user manual available; 3rd party affirms portability and numerical reproducibility; passes data providers security review Score 3 + standards systematically applied; meets international standards for the data set; enhanced discovery metadata; limited location level metadata Score 3 + comprehensive scientific description available from data provider; report on inter comparison available from PI; paper on validation published; user guide available from data provider; comprehensive description of operations concept available from PI Score 3 + procedures to establish SI traceability are defined; (inter)comparison against corresponding CDRs (other methods, models, etc); quantitative estimates of uncertainty provided within the product characterising more or less uncertain data points; automated monitoring partially implemented Data record and documentation available from data provider and under data provider's version control; Data provider establishes feedback mechanism; regular updates by PI Score 3 + Research: Citations on product usage in occurring DSS: societal and economical benefits discussed 5 Score 4 + operational code following standards, actions to achieve full compliance are defined; software installation/user manual complete; 3rd party installs the code operationally Score 4+ fully compliant with standards; complete discovery metadata; complete location level metadata Score 4 + comprehensive scientific description maintained by data provider; report on data assessment results exists; user guide is regularly updated with updates on product and validation; description on practical implementation is available from data provider Score 4 + SI traceability partly established; data provider participated in one inter-national data assessment; comprehensive validation of the quantitative uncertainty estimates; automated quality monitoring fully implemented (all production levels) Score 4 + source code archived by Data Provider; feedback mechanism and international data quality assessment are considered in periodic data record updates by Data Provider Score 4+ Research: product becomes reference for certain applications DSS: Societal and economic benefits are demonstrated 6 Score 5 + fully compliant with standards; Turnkey System Score 5 + regularly updated Score 5 + journal papers on product updates are and more comprehensive validation and validation of quantitative uncertainty estimates are published; operations concept regularly updated Score 5 + SI traceability established; data provider participated in multiple inter-national data assessment and incorporating feedbacks into the product development cycle; temporal and spatial error covariance quantified; Automated monitoring in place with results fed back to other accessible information, e.g. meta data or documentation Score 5 + source code available to the public and capability for continuous data provisions established (ICDR) Score 5 + Research: Product and its applications becomes references in multiple research field DSS: Influence on decision and policy making demonstrated
GSICS Meeting, March 2014, Darmstadt, Germany Improving Data Record Maturity System Maturity Matrix Application Performance Metric
GSICS Meeting, March 2014, Darmstadt, Germany SCOPE-CM inter-calibration projects SCM-06: Inter-calibration of passive imager observations from time-series of geostationary satellites (IOGEO) SCM-05: Advancing the status of the AVHRR FCDR
GSICS Meeting, March 2014, Darmstadt, Germany SCM-05: Advancing the status of the AVHRR FCDR Objective: to secure the continued improvement of the AVHRR fundamental climate data record (FCDR) comprising accurately calibrated and inter-calibrated radiances. This projects builds upon the work of Heidinger et al. (2010) and Mittaz and Harris (2011) Method: to incorporate further improvements as suggested by Molling et al. (2010) to reduce SNO uncertainties by correcting for differences in the instruments SRFs; to update the IR calibration methods; to improve on navigation accuracies, temporal coverage, data homogenization and orbital drift uncertainties. Benefits: FCDRs covering more than 30 years of NOAA-AVHRR to be used for the generation of homogeneous geophysical products (e.g. Cloud Climate Data Records of the CM-SAF and PATMOS-X) Slide: 7
GSICS Meeting, March 2014, Darmstadt, Germany Objective: to generate a Fundamental Climate Data Record (FCDR) of calibrated and quality- controlled geostationary sensor data, including the visible, infra-red window and water vapour absorption channels of geostationary satellites. Composition Project Team EUMETSAT: European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (Rob Roebeling, Tim Hewison) JMA: Japanese Meteorological Agency (Masaya Takahashi) NOAA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Kenneth Knapp, Anand Inamdar) DWD: Deutscher Wetterdienst (Marc Schroeder) CMA: China Meteorological Administration (Peng Zhang, Xiuqing Hu) Slide: 8 SCM-06: Inter-calibration of passive imager observations from time-series of geostationary satellites Note: CMA is a new member of the Project Team. Their contribution will be further discussed at GSICS GRWG 2014
GSICS Meeting, March 2014, Darmstadt, Germany Method IR and WV recalibration: to utilise the inter-satellite methodology developed by GSICS; to tie time series of IR and WV satellite data to the High Resolution Infrared Sounder (HIRS) data using Double Differencing; to monitor quality and stability of the HIRS observations with observations from IASI and AIRS; to adopt a common recalibration approach at NOAA, JMA and EUMETSAT; to generate FCDRs of IR & WV radiances for the GEO satellites; to inter-compare FCDRs of IR & WV radiances in overlapping regions, and compare them against output from observational feedback archive at ECMWF; Slide: 9 SCM-06: Inter-calibration of passive imager observations from time-series of geostationary satellites
GSICS Meeting, March 2014, Darmstadt, Germany SCM-06: Inter-calibration of passive imager observations from time-series of geostationary satellites Method VIS recalibration: to assess the VIS inter-calibration methodologies developed by GSICS; to develop a consensus inter-calibration approach for the VIS channels; to implement the consensus VIS inter-calibration approach at the 3 agencies; to generate of VIS reflected radiance FCDRs for the GEO satellites; to inter-compare the FCDRs of VIS reflected radiance for the 3 agencies; to gather feedback from beta users; Slide: 10
GSICS Meeting, March 2014, Darmstadt, Germany Status SCM-06: IOGEO
GSICS Meeting, March 2014, Darmstadt, Germany SCM-06: Project Plan 2014 (1) TaskDescriptionPeriodActors WP 0 Management 0.1Establish contacts with INPE, KMA, and CMA at the upcoming CGMS meeting (CGMS-41 in July 2013) 2013EUM 0.2Detail project implementation plan with participating partners. Among others, to include a schematic view of the data flow between the participating space agencies (as requested by the SEP). 2013ALL 0.3Define the involved of INPE, KMA, and CMA within this SCOPE-CM-project Q1EUM 0.4Set-up a web application for exchange of project information Q1EUM 0.5Attend quarterly Tele Conferences Q1 -Q4ALL 0.6Contribute to Progress Report 2014 and Work Plan 2015 Q4ALL WP 1 R & D inter-calibration methods for the infrared (IR) and water vapour (WV) channels 1.1Research the potential of using HIRS on Metop, tied to IASI observations, as reference instrument Q1EUM, NOAA 1.2Contribute to the research on the potential of using HIRS on Metop as reference instrument (WP 1.1) Q1JMA
GSICS Meeting, March 2014, Darmstadt, Germany SCM-06: Project Plan 2014 (2) WP 2 Modification of the IR and WV inter-calibration approach 2.1Update of the IR and WV inter-calibration approach for the GOES satellites. This activity is performed jointly with JMA and EUMETSAT. The actions are: to share and discuss inter-calibration methods used within the SCOPE-CM activity on ISCCP reprocessing to compare inter-calibrated results derived from full resolution data against those derived using sub- sampled ISCCP data to exchange experiences on settings to be used for selecting simulations overpasses between the monitored and reference instrument, and for applying the double difference approach. Q2-Q3NOAA 2.2Update the IR and WV inter-calibration approach for the METEOSAT satellites in line with the approach proposed by NOAA. This task is performed jointly with JMA and NOAA. The actions are: to include the useful temporal resolution imagery; to apply double differencing for inter-calibration; to tie the HIRS reference to IASI. Q2-Q3EUM 2.3Contribute to the update of the IR and WV inter-calibration approach for the MTSAT satellites in line with the approach proposed by NOAA. This task is performed jointly with NOAA and EUMETSAT. Q2-Q3JMA WP 3 Implementing and testing the IR & WV inter-calibration approach 3.1Implement the updated IR & WV inter-calibration approach at the participating space agencies;Q3EUM, NOAA, JMA 3.2Prepare test datasets of observations from the geostationary satellites operated by the participating space agencies; (i.e. METEOSAT, GOES, or MTSAT) Q3EUM, NOAA, JMA 3.3Test the updated IR & WV inter-calibration approach on the test datasets;Q3-Q4EUM, NOAA, JMA
GSICS Meeting, March 2014, Darmstadt, Germany SCM-06: Project Plan 2014 (3) WP 4 Generation of inter-calibrated IR & WV radiances for the GEO satellites; 4.1Collect data required for the generation of the FCDRs, or the generation of inter-calibration coefficients, for the GEO satellites; (i.e. HIRS and IASI reference data, and geostationary satellite data of the satellites operated by the participating space agencies) Q3-Q4EUM, NOAA, JMA 4.2Generation of FCDRs or inter-calibration coefficients for IR & WV radiances from observations from the METEOSAT, GOES, and MTSAT geostationary satellites; Q4EUM, NOAA, JMA WP 5 Free Tropospheric Humidity demonstrator product 5.1Development and computation of a Free Tropospheric Humidity (FTH) geo-ring demonstrator product for July The items of this activity are: to define a common reference channel; to compute spectral calibration coefficients. Note: this activity starts in Q1-Q2DWD 5.2Test the recalibrated WV radiances for the FTH demonstrator product and assess the differences with previously used calibration for the common reference channel. Q4DWD
GSICS Meeting, March 2014, Darmstadt, Germany EUMETSAT: Status of Activities Identified candidate inter-calibration reference instruments: HIRS/2, HIRS/3, HIRS/4, AIRS, IASI Quantified uncertainty associated with use of HIRS/2, HIRS/3 and HIRS/4 as inter-calibration references for WV and IR channels of MFG and MSG Negligible for IR in all cases Significant for WV using HIRS/3, HIRS/4 and MSG (~1K) Developed Simultaneous Nadir Overpass Tool (SNOT) Allows fast selection of collocations from GEO-LEO satellites Based on 2-D histograms binned to sampling interval of LEO sounder Important when re-processing archive datasets Identified AIRS as a suitable instrument to transfer calibration of HIRS/2 to MetopA/IASI Hyperspectral sounder: lower uncertainty introduced in Spectral Band Adjustment Bridges period Developing method to perform inter-calibration based on GSICS GEO-LEO IR ATBD More Thursday 27 March 2014; Hewison et al.: On Minimising SBAF uncertainty - using AIRS to bridge HIRS/2-IASI gap
GSICS Meeting, March 2014, Darmstadt, Germany DWD: Status of Activities Status of Activities: Single common reference channel selected Comparison against ARSA radiosondes started. Recalibration of GOES-11 and GOES-12 ISCCP-DX data.
GSICS Meeting, March 2014, Darmstadt, Germany NOAA: Status of Activities NOAA contributes through discussions and collaborations on: SNO matchup limits Previous NCDC inter calibration of HIRS at NCDC and also from the CDR project Visible calibration results Comparison of NOAA results against results from other SCM-06 members NCDC efforts to produce inter-calibrated product (GridSat-B1) Discussion Is the end result a FCDR of calibrated radiances or a set of correction coefficients? Does SCM-06 plan to provide a combined product with better specs than GridSat-B1 (e.g. radiances and/or BTs at pixel resolution, hourly, VZA corrected)?
GSICS Meeting, March 2014, Darmstadt, Germany NOAA: Combined GEO ring product 18 IR Combined WV Combined VIS Combined The results of SCM-06 can be used to generate a combined gridded products. SCM-06 to discuss such an activity should be part of the project
GSICS Meeting, March 2014, Darmstadt, Germany JMA: Status of Activities Status of Activities: JMA will collaborate with EUMETSAT and NOAA on the IR/WV re-calibration, and adopt the method that is developed within SCM-06 ( ) JMA will re-calibrate the IR/WV channels of the GMS satellites (planned 2015) JMA did much research on using visible calibration methods in combination, and will exchange this information with the members of SCM-06. JMAs visiting scientist at EUMETSAT (2014) is the SCM-06 representative. This helps to make the collaboration more effective.
GSICS Meeting, March 2014, Darmstadt, Germany SCM-06: Dependencies and Links SCM-06: Internal dependencies Provide inter-calibrated WV radiances (or recalibration coefficients) from GEO’s time- series to DWD ( ) Provide inter-calibrated HIRS radiances for selection of channels to DWD ( ) SCM-06: Links to external projects SCOPE-CM Albedo (requires re-calibrated VIS radiances GEO’s) SCOPE-CM ISCCP (advices on IR, and VIS inter-calibration) SCOPE-CM FCDR (SMHI) (requires inter-calibrated HIRS data record) EUM-CM SAF (compare WV products CM SAF and NOAA) ISCCP (NOAA Project that requires inter-calibrated IR and VIS radiances) EU QA4ECV (requires re-calibrated VIS radiances METEOSATs) Potential link to EU-H2020 projects (e.g. EO-02 call related to re-calibration) ESA-CCI GSICS Developing best practises to define reference instrument Developing best practises to define Spectral Band Adjustment Factors
GSICS Meeting, March 2014, Darmstadt, Germany Plans
GSICS Meeting, March 2014, Darmstadt, Germany SCM-06: Project Plan ALL: To continue development of Meteosat vs. IASI/AIRS/HIRS inter-calibration for the WV and IR channels of all GEO satellites; ALL: To release version 1 of IR/WV inter-calibrated FCDR (or cal. coefficients) ALL: To provide algorithm/tools/products for inter-calibration using the DCC method ALL: To evaluate visible channel calibration methods for inter-calibration of the GEO satellites (Incl. Replay Mode for SSCC, DCC, Rayleigh, SNO,..) DWD:To utilize version 1 of IR/WV inter-calibrated FCDR and re-compute FTH. (July 2009, all GEOs, clear definition of SRF, BT/radiances) DWD:To compare new and old version, compare to ARSA and to UTH from HIRS. NOAA: To do matchups for a test period with calibrated IASI/AIRS/HIRS data NOAA: To compare for all GEOs ISCCP B1 (3hr) against EUMETSAT and JMA results Potential tasks which depend on definition of FCDR: Re-compute spectral conversion coefficients, Re-compute regression coefficients, Radiance to BT conversion, Cloud masking.
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