La Famille Bell Work
Answer the following questions in English: 1.Who do you consider part of your immediate family? (names/relationships) (Example: Bob is my father.) 2.What does it mean to conjugate a verb?
Write down numbers (in French words!) and say them with a partner. 10 _____________________ 11______________________ 12______________________ 13______________________ 14______________________ 15______________________ 16______________________ 17______________________ 18______________________ 19______________________
Translate these sentences into French: 1.I am Marc’s brother. 2.We are Coraline’s family. 3.He is Alice’s cousin.
Describe yourself in French using in complete written sentences below, using the following information: 1.Age 2.2 physical descriptions 3.Your relationship to one person in your family (Example: Je suis la fille de Carol.)
1.Describe the relationships in the following picture. Pick one person and describe his/her physical appearance. Bill Sally Joey Phoebe
Answer the following questions in English: 1.What is a possessive pronoun? 2.Give an example of a French possessive pronoun. 3.How do you use possessive pronouns in French.
Rewrite the following sentences (in French), changing them to “you” and “your.” 1.J’ai un chien. Mon chien s’appelle Sucrette. 2.Il a une mère. Sa mère s’appelle Lucie. 3.Elle a deux frères. Ses frères sont grands.
Pratique! Provide the correct possessive pronoun in French according to the cue in parentheses. 1.__________ père s’appellee Marco. (his) 2.Elle s’appellee Juliette. Elle est __________ soeur. (her) 3.C’est __________ demi-frère. (my) __________ mère s’appellee Anne. (his) 4.Qui est __________ mère? (your) 5.Qui est __________ oncle? (your)
Write the French vocabulary word (including possessive pronoun) that matches the descriptions below: 1.La mère de ses cousins. 2.Le père de sa femme. 3.Le frère de son mari. 4.Le fils de ses parents.
C’est à toi! Fill in the blank with the correct possessive pronoun according to the information given. 1.Nous sommes Monsieur et Madame Baker. Voici __________ enfants Jacqueline et Gérard. 2.Madeline et Ian partage (share) une voiture. __________ voiture est bleue claire. 3.Vous avez besoin de couper __________ cheveux longs. 4.Les Ninja Turtles vont combattre __________ ennemis.
Use the following subject pronoun and adjective to write complete sentences with the verb “être.” (Don’t forget: adjectives must agree with the person/thing they are describing.) 1.Elle/petit 2.Ils/mince 3.Je/gros 4.Nous/bronzé
Describe someone in your family by answering the following questions in French. 1.What is his/her name? 2.What is his/her relationship to you? 3.What does he/she look like? (2-3 sentences)
1.Write a complete sentence in French using “être.” 2.Write a complete sentence in French using “avoir.” (Other than age)
Translate these sentences into French: 1.I have an uncle. 2.Catherine’s mom is Margueritte. 3.They are pretty. 4.She has long blond hair.
Translate the following sentences to French: 1.They have blue eyes. 2.We have blond hair. 3.He has short, curly hair. 4.You have big eyes.
1.Ask someone next to you (in French), “How old are you?” 2.How would you ask the above question formally? 3.Point to a guy and ask (in French) “How old is he?”* 4.Point to a girl and ask (in French) “How old is she?”* *When asking a simple question in French, you can simply invert (switch) the subject and verb. When using “Il” and “Elle” you must put a “t” in between the inverted verb and subject to avoid having 2 vowel sounds together. For example… Step 1-Statement: Il a… Step 2-Invert to ask a question: a-il…? Step 3-Insert a “t” to avoid 2 vowelsa-t-il…?
(Remember, the French use the verb “to have” in many phrases that we would normally use “to be.”) With that in mind, translate the following phrases to French. 1.He is tired. 2.They (girls) are hungry. 3.You (all) are wrong. 4.Are you (singular) cold?
1.Pick a family member. 2.Write complete sentences in French with the following information: His/her name His/her age One physical description with “avoir.” One description with “etre.” 3.Turn to your neighbor and describe this person using the information you have written down.