Anti-Sway Function Anti-Sway Block Confidential Property of Schneider Electric Schneider Electric
Pin Description Input and Output Page 2Confidential Property of Schneider Electric |
Input Pins Page 3Confidential Property of Schneider Electric | InputData TypeDescription i_xEnBOOLAnti-sway activation. TRUE: Enables Anti-sway FALSE: Disables Anti-sway, linear ramp Refer to detailed description below this table. i_xInit This function initializes the internal calculation for the Anti-sway correction. It returns the function to the factory settings (internal variable = 0). The initialization is performed on the rising edge. This function is used after each drive detects the alarm and after each movement which was not requested by the block (Drive detected alarm, Quick Stop, Forced local, Communication alarm...). Initialization of the FB is only possible after the currently active Anti-sway profile is finished. TRUE: Initialization FALSE: No action i_xDrvFwdBOOLForward command. In FB enabled state starts generation of Anti-sway profile. In FB disabled state starts generation of linear speed profile.
Input Pins Page 4Confidential Property of Schneider Electric | InputData TypeDescription i_xDrvRevBOOLReverse command. In FB enabled state starts generation of Anti-sway profile. In FB disabled state starts generation of linear speed profile. i_wDrvSpdRefWORDDrive speed reference input. Range: Scaling/Unit: RPM (alternatively 0.1 Hz, the unit must be the same as for i_stPAS.wDrvSpdRefMax) i_xLsFwdStopBOOLStop movement of the trolley/bridge in a forward direction. Movement is stopped using a linear ramp defined in i_stPAS.wDecEmgy with no Anti-sway profile. NOTE: If a limit switch sensor is not employed in the application, set the input to TRUE. NOTE: This input is processed in both, the enabled and disabled state of the FB.
Input Pins Page 5Confidential Property of Schneider Electric | InputData TypeDescription i_xLsRevStopBOOLStop movement of the trolley/bridge in a reverse direction. Movement is stopped using a linear ramp defined in i_stPAS.wDecEmgy with no Anti-sway profile. NOTE: If a limit switch sensor is not employed in the application, set the input to TRUE. NOTE: This input is processed in both, the enabled and disabled state of the FB. i_xLsFwdSlowWORDSlow-down forward position. NOTE: If a limit switch sensor is not employed in the application, set the input to TRUE. NOTE: This input is processed only in enabled state of the FB. Refer to detailed description below this table. i_xLsRevSlowBOOLSlow-down reverse position. NOTE: If a limit switch sensor is not employed in the application, set the input to TRUE. NOTE: This input is processed only in enabled state of the FB. Refer to detailed description below this table.
Input Pins Page 6Confidential Property of Schneider Electric | InputData TypeDescription i_xBrakFbck BOOLBrake feedback. TRUE: Brake released FALSE: Brake engaged NOTE: This input is processed in both, the enabled and disabled state of the FB. NOTE: If this input is not used, i_stPAS.wBrakDly parameter must be set to TRUE. Refer to detailed description below this table. i_rCbleLenActlREALActual cable length. Range: Scaling/Unit: 1 m Refer to detailed description below this table. i_stPASPASConfiguration parameter, set during commissioning phase. Refer to Sub-Structured Description (see SoMachine Help).Sub-Structured Description
Output Pins Page 7Confidential Property of Schneider Electric | InputData TypeDescription q_xEnBOOLTRUE: Enables the Anti-sway function. FALSE: Disables the Anti-sway function. q_xAswActvBOOLAnti-sway correction active. TRUE: Anti-sway active FALSE: Anti-sway inactive q_xDrvFwdBOOLForward command. Connect this output to the forward command input of the Altivar_Control FB. TRUE: Forward FALSE: Not forward q_xDrvRevBOOLReverse command. Connect this output to the reverse command input of the Altivar_Control FB. TRUE: Reverse FALSE: Not reverse q_wAswSpdRefREALUnsigned speed reference output. Use this output to control the drive via function blocks from the Altivar Library (ATV). Range: 0...stPAS.wDrvSpdRefMax Scaling/Unit: 1 RPM
Output Pins Page 8Confidential Property of Schneider Electric | InputData TypeDescription q_iAswSpdRefREALSigned speed reference. Range: -stPAS.wDrvSpdRefMax...stPAS.wDrvSpdRefMax Scaling/Unit: 1 RPM q_xBrakCtrlBOOLBrake control. TRUE: Open brake FALSE: Close brake Refer to detailed description below this table. q_rDistStopREALCalculated stop distance. Range: -3.4e e+38 Scaling/Unit: m Refer to detailed description below this table. q_wStatWORDStatus register. Range: Refer to detailed description below this table. q_wAlrmId WORDDetected alarm identification. Refer to Notifications.Notifications Range: q_xAlrmBOOLDetected alarm bit. TRUE: Alarm detected FALSE: No alarm detected NOTE: Alarm reset automatically after the cause of the alarm is removed.