Murrieta Valley Unified Interim and Local Assessment Efforts
Interim Assessment Efforts Started immediately with 2 sites, and then shared the experience with others Afterwards, another 7-8 sites ELA and Math interim assessment blocks that required no hand scoring Useful as a way to acclimate individuals to new testing setup
Findings Interim assessments mimicked the SBAC environment exactly Assessments themselves appeared to have the same level of rigor For most of the assessment blocks chosen, it took around 45 minutes to complete. Each individual didn’t have trouble administering the assessment, but some teachers may
Findings Cont. Reports weren’t available immediately because the system wasn’t online, so we aren’t sure about turn around time Cutting-edge individuals didn’t have trouble with the hand scoring tool This seems to be more of an exception as opposed to a rule Currently, the data is not being used for anything as the experience was more for learning about the assessment The reporting system is cumbersome
Sample Report
Local Assessment Efforts
Local Assessments Started building math benchmarks at secondary level this year Two benchmarks, five Conceptual Learning Assessments Modifying assessment schedule for math Creating assessment schedule for ELA To begin creation of benchmarks at primary level Work committee and vetting committee
Elementary Level Four benchmarks at each grading period beginning with math Standards-based report cards One performance task Focus on writing currently Meet with work committee during creation Disseminate SBAC blueprints, item specs, assessment creation guideline, etc…
Secondary School Three ELA and math benchmarks Weeks 6, 12, of semester 1, week 6 of semester 2 One performance task for ELA Potentially more than one for Math Also doing Conceptual Learning Assessments
What Assessments? Building assessments with INSPECT item bank Filling gaps where possible Utilize SBAC blueprint, item specifications, and standards documents to unpack Work committee to build, vetting committee to review
Top Strategies for Achievement John Hattie, Visible Learning Synthesis of over 800 studies to determine which strategies had the greatest relation to achievement.
How does Smarter Balanced design items? Standards Claims Targets Item Specs Evidence Task Models Domain vocab Prior Knowledge
Smarter Balanced Item Specifications As part of the item writing effort, Smarter Balanced released “Item Specifications” Utilize “models” and “evidence” to help choose items As part of the evidence-centered design, these specifications will help unpack what the eventual learning target will be assessments/ assessments/
Item Specs Gives claim, content area, and target info Standards Can be multiple standards Consider standards that support Previous grade level standards necessary for understanding Achievement level descriptor What mastery of learning for each target area Evidence Required Can be used to pinpoint what students need to demonstrate Additional information such as vocab, stimuli, etc…
Grandma Ruth GR4.RL-2: Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text; summarize the text.