Why do people move? On a piece of paper, write down all the reasons people move.
What is an immigrant? Person who enters a new country to settle.
My Family Tree On the same paper, draw out your family tree. Try to go back at least four generations and write down where each ancestor was born or raised. Are you an immigrant? Explain.
How do Immigrants assimilate? What traditions do you celebrate in your family? Were these handed down from other generations? What foods does your family enjoy?
History of Immigration in the U.S. Forced immigration (aka slavery) Risks Treatment of immigrants Contributions of immigrants 1/7 Americans were born in another country.
What does an American look like? Melting pot vs. salad bowl
Immigration Today
Where do we go from here? How do the current problems of immigration (e.g. profiling, lists compiled by people, Arizona law) compare to the past? Chinese Exclusion Act 9-11 Treatment of other groups