The impact of digitisation on energy market governance Statement: The energy transition towards a low carbon economy is inextricably connected to Information Technology and requires an information governance model… Theo Fens, April 18th 2016
Digitisation: the result of Information technology developments… Self steering cars Cloud services Internet of Things Serious gaming Virtual Reality E-commerce Block chain SAAS Smart Phones The energy sector is no exception
Energy transition: decentrals / electrification Data and smartness, governance model?
Supply/demand control The energy transition is driven by information technology ESCo’s Smart grids Micro grids Smart meters Autonomy Geothermal HEMS Decentrals VPPs Network E storage Electric vehicles Supply/demand control
Energy value chain information model Production Trade Transmission Distribution Metering Supply Customer Information Flow Physical flow Monetary flow Next to the physical (commodity) and monetary (valuation) flows the information (admin) flow is key for both physical balancing and financial settlement This information flow in turn is based on IT; hence alignment of institutional arrangements and IT is an essential success factor (It’s the IT stupid…) Governance model??
Information architecture NL energy sector As-Is Customer Production electricity Trade Transmission electricity Distribution electricity Metering Supply Production natural gas Trade natural gas Transmission natural gas Distribution natural gas Shipper Program responsible party Policy maker Regulator Government Physical flow Information flow To all segments
Energy information architecture NL To-Be, the energy cloud? Production electricity Transmission electricity Distribution electricity Physical flow Information flow Trade electricity Supply Metering Customer Energy Data Service Entity, independent market operator Trade natural gas To regulate or facilitate? Production natural gas Transmission natural gas Distribution natural gas Regulator Policy maker Government To all segments
Trend: increasing PV
Trend: increasing EV
Can a battery help?
Cyber security…..
Thank you for your attention Questions?