Region IV BSI 2016 Literacy Meets STEM Engaging Students with Cross Content Instruction UCF Literacy Symposium 2016 Presented by


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Presentation transcript:

Region IV BSI 2016 Literacy Meets STEM Engaging Students with Cross Content Instruction UCF Literacy Symposium 2016 Presented by Access PowerPoint presentation, referenced articles, lesson plans and student handouts

Region IV BSI 2016 Objectives Participants will… Have the opportunity to participate in an Engineering Design Challenge. Participate in a Literacy activity related to the Engineering Design Challenge. Examine six characteristics of STEM lessons and consider how they can be used to create hands on, engaging lessons which incorporate STEM and Literacy Florida Standards. Discuss how to align content Standards with current Pacing Guide placement.

Region IV BSI 2016 Front Load Vocabulary Wind MillWind Turbine

Region IV BSI 2016 Engineering Design Challenge

Region IV BSI 2016 Text- Coding W= How a Windmill Works T= How a Wind Turbine Works B= Benefit to Humans Let’s Practice…

Region IV BSI 2016 Writing and Speaking/ Listening So…How does Wind Power benefit humans?? What are some ways we can/ did address Writing and Speaking/ Listening Standards in order to continue to support the students in answering this question??

Region IV BSI 2016

Region IV BSI 2016 Six Characteristics of a Great STEM Lesson STEM Lessons: 1)focus on real-world issue and problems 2)are guided by the engineering design process 3)immerse students in hands-on inquiry and open- ended exploration 4)involve students in productive teamwork 5)apply rigorous math and science content your students are learning 6)allow for multiple right answers (Anne Jolly, June 17, 2014)

Region IV BSI 2016

Region IV BSI 2016 Nature of Science Standards

Region IV BSI 2016 Nature of Science Standards

Region IV BSI 2016 How do we become literate? Two processes - Learning – The deliberate process of gaining knowledge through explanation and analysis. Of value in developing the metacognitive skills of planning, selecting and critiquing our communications. Acquisition – Knowledge gained (sometimes unconsciously) through observation, exposure to models, imitation and trial-and-error of meaningful, functional activities. Requires exposing students to a variety of authentic opportunities, purposes, contexts and audiences. (James Paul Gee, 2008) Deep understanding requires both kinds of learning.

Region IV BSI 2016 Deliberate Literacy or Acquired Literacy? What Would Deliberate literacy Instruction With This Standard Look Like? LAFS.2.RI.1.2 Describe the connection between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text. Cognitive Complexity: Level 3: Strategic Thinking & Complex Reasoning What About With Inquiry and Acquisition? How is this Standard enhanced by the inclusion of STEM activities?

Region IV BSI 2016 Knowledge The facts A body of coherent facts Verifiable claims Right or wrong I know something to be true I respond on cue with what I know Understanding The meaning of the facts The theory that provides coherence and meaning to those facts Fallible, in-process theories A matter of degree or sophistication I understand why it is, what makes it knowledge I judge when to and when not to use what I know Knowledge versus Understanding Wiggins, Grant., McTighe, Jay.(2005) Understanding by Design, Expanded 2nd Edition.

Region IV BSI 2016

Region IV BSI 2016 Wrap Up Please complete this Exit Slip: - One thing that I am leaving excited about today is: -One thing that I am ready to implement before the end of the year is: -How can you integrate the Arts into this? Access PowerPoint presentation, referenced articles, lesson plans and student handouts

Region IV BSI 2016 References Cheuk, T. (2013). Relationships and convergences among the mathematics, science and ELA practices. Refined version of diagram created by the Understanding Language Initiative for ELP Standards. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University. Dayton Regional STEM Center. (2016). Stem Education Quality Framework. Retrieved February 26, 2016 from Quality-Framework.pdf?ext=.pdf Gee, J.P. (2008). Retrieved February 26, 2016 from Literacy.pdf Jolly, A. (June 17, 2014). Six characteristics of a great STEM lesson. Education Week Teacher, Retrieved February 22, 2016 from ctq_jolly_stem.html Wiggins, G. & McTighe, J.(2005) Understanding by Design, Alexandria, VA: ASCD. Expanded 2nd Edition.