Winning the Battle against Illness Lesson starter: Write down three things which improved the health of the British people during the 20th century.
Today we will… Identify reasons for improving health during the first half of the 20th century Assess which of these were most important
Scientific Discoveries 1927 Tuberculosis (TB) Vaccine 1928 Penicillin 1944 X rays used to diagnose TB
Alexander Fleming Penicillin
WWI and WW2: Rationing Sugar, butter and fattening meats were rationed Sweets, cakes and chocolate almost disappeared Fruit and veg were unrationed and many people grew their own to give them more food
Rationing closed the gap between Rich and Poor since they both now ate the same diets – rationing lasted for years after each war too
Wartime Hospitals During the war, the government couldn’t afford their workers to be ill New hospitals were built Since air raids were not as widespread in Scotland, they were often used to treat sick civilian workers Hairmyres Hospital, building started in 1914 (East Kilbride)
Hairmyres Hospital TB ward Many German Prisoners of War helped build the hospital
New Hairmyres Hospital
Benefits During the war the government provided benefits to poorer people and sick people More free school meals and milk was given Family Allowance started in 1945 After WWII, nobody wanted to go back to the old system where you had to pay doctors and people were poorer
1950S – Housing After WWII, the government decided to improve housing They also had to replace homes destroyed by the blitz Although the houses were not always attractive buildings, they had heating, running water and private toilets Red Road, built 1962
1950s flats in Castlemilk, Glasgow
Easterhouse was a new housing project in the 1950s
1950s prefab
post war housing housing
Today’s Task (use pages 13-14) 1.Create a mind map or spider diagram with ‘Improving Health’ as the title 2.Make each of the headings (a-e) a branch 3.Use the booklet to add on as much information about each as you can 4.Add pictures to create a useful revision guide