Research and Innovation Why does ERA Need to Flourish ERA priority 1: More effective National Research Systems Workshop for enlargement countries 10 March.


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Presentation transcript:

Research and Innovation Why does ERA Need to Flourish ERA priority 1: More effective National Research Systems Workshop for enlargement countries 10 March Brussels Arie van der Zwan DG RTD, B2

Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Content ERA Priority 1: More effective national research systems Economic and social impact Development of the priority State of the Art: what is at stake? Policy actions 2

Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Impacts of ERA: 1. Economic impact: Public and private sectors will benefit from: increased effectiveness : more funding allocated to best performing researchers; more cooperation among Member States; better solutions to societal challenges; increased quality and relevance of research through using the gender dimension a better use of available trained researchers, in particular women; improved access to knowledge, particularly in less advanced regions. 2. Social impact: better research staff performing more effectively from enhanced R&D cooperation. measures digital ERA would benefit researchers less-advanced Countries. a positive impact on fundamental rights, in particular gender equality, freedom of expression, and freedom of arts and sciences. 3

Research and Innovation Research and Innovation ERA Communication 2012 Prio 1: More effective national research systems Open national-level competition is crucial to deriving maximum value from public money invested in research. Allocating funding through open calls for proposals, evaluated by panels of leading experts Assessing the quality of research-performing organisations and teams and their outputs as a basis for institutional funding decisions - peer review could lead to organisational change 4

Research and Innovation Research and Innovation ERA Progress Report 2014 Conclusions: Improving quality of research and innovation strategy and policy making process will raise quality of public spending on R&D; National R&D strategies present in almost all Member States, some Associated Countries; Importance of optimal funding of R&D between competitive and institutional and peer review 5

Research and Innovation Research and Innovation ERA Roadmap 2015 Objective: effectively designed and efficiently functioning national research and innovation systems. Top priority: Strengthening the evaluation of research and innovation policies and seeking complementarities between, and rationalisation of instruments at EU and national levels. Governance body: ERAC – Highly Welcome! 6

Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Skeleton of ERA Progress Report Key findings and political messages on the ERA priorities, links with other EU policies like 3 O's, Annual Semester, Juncker Plan, EFSI etc. 2. Facts & Figures. Retrospective on 2 sub periods to measure progress in time. 3. Analysis of National Action Plans ( ) to identify major challenges that play a key role in all Member States. 4. Identification of future "gaps" in the national action plans. Where to go? Targets, objectives & timelines on the basis of the EMM. 5. An annex containing the facts and figures for each Member State and Associated Countries. Monitored by EMM indicators and additional data from various sources. 7

Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Monitoring: EMM indicators prio 1 Input: Total GBARD as % of GDP Output : Adjusted Research Excellence Indicator Outcome/Impact: Innovation Union Scoreboard Governance: ERAC ad hoc monitoring group (discharged) & dedicated workshop 8

Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Research Excellence indicator (adjusted) 9

Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Concrete actions for Countries in National Action Plans  Complementarity and alignment of EU and national policies  Transparent policy making, in line with European Semester  Good balance between competitive and institutional funding  Monitoring and evaluation – peer review, mutual learning  Forward looking (2016 – 2020)  Link to education, smart specialisation policies  Policy Support Facility

Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Thank you for your attention! Any questions? 11