Chapter 4 Vocabulary Native Texans 7.1A 7.2A, 7.10A, 7.22 A,C,D, 77-95
Chapter 4 Vocabulary PREHISTORIC- Before written time CULTURE- The pattern of knowledge, beliefs,behaviors and traits that characterize a group of people. EXTINCTION- State or condition of no longer existing CIVILIZATION- A culture with a complex social structure and developments such as cities, trade, art,writing, and science
Chapter 4 Vocabulary MESOAMERICAN- An area of civilization in what is now Central America SOCIAL STRUCTURE - The way a society is organized NOMAD- A person who travels from place to place with no permanent home ADOBE- A brick or other building material made of sun dried earth and straw
Chapter 4 Vocabulary TREATY- A contract or agreement between nations or people DESCENTDANT- A person born of a certain family or group PEMMICAN- Dried buffalo meat mixed with nuts and berries
GULF COAST NATIVE TEXANS Pg.82 Coahuiltecans South Texas (traveled to coast) Hot and rocky terrain, Low brush, little food or shelter Hunters small game- deer, rabbits Gatherers- beans, nuts, berries,cacti, Ate lizards, worms, insects, roots, and ant eggs Nomads: Temporary mud animal skins-brush, tough people MITOTES- All night parties
GULF COAST NATIVE TEXANS Pg.82 Karankawas Live on coast Dug –out canoes Box Traps / bows and arrows Gathered mollusks, clams, oysters Hunted small game Mosquitoes- used fish guts and alligator fat on bodies Really love their children Gave children 2 names – one was secret the thought it protected them Loved Dogs domesticated animals Cannibals – ate enemies thought they would gain power from them
SOUTHEASTERN NATIVE TEXANS Pg.83 ALABAMA- COUSHATTAS Two groups that came together Farmers: Corn Hunters: Deer, fish, gathered berries Crafts: Woven baskets Built cabins Big Thicket area
SOUTHEASTERN NATIVE TEXANS Pg.83 CADDOES Most Advanced Native Americans Largest East Texas group Food-rich environment-Planted crops Fished – invented trot-line near rivers Built temple/burial mounds Trade center: Made rugs, baskets, pottery Had timber Deer – bear Grass lodges – homes
SOUTHEASTERN NATIVE TEXANS Pg.83 ATAKAPANS Hunters: Small game Canoes Gathered food Similar to the Karankawas
SOUTHEASTERN NATIVE TEXANS Pg.87 CHEROKEES Late Arrivals: (1819) Farmers: corn, beans, pumpkins, and squash Settled by Sabine/Neches/Angelina Rivers Log cabins Metal tools
SOUTHEASTERN NATIVE TEXANS Pg.86 WICHITAS Farmers: corn, beans, pumpkins, squash, melons Villages; grass lodges Women held in high regard Hunted: small game, fished Tattooed eyes – raccoon-eyed Chiefs enforced rules of tribe
SOUTHEASTERN NATIVE TEXANS Pg TONKAWAS Hunted: Buffalo, small game Fished in rivers Pueblos: grass houses
SOUTHEASTERN NATIVE TEXANS Pg KICKAPOOS Late Arrivals (1830) Pueblos: adobe houses Farmers: Corn Hunters: small games Baskets, buckskin clothing, beadwork
PLAINS NATIVE TEXANS Pg.85 COMANCHES “Lords of the Plains” most feared, warring tribe, fought with Apaches Skilled at riding horses =Buffalo Started teaching children at young age, they could ride before they could walk Two Chiefs- Peace chief – old War chief – young Wore headdresses Traveled in bands Believed in a god Moral code Scalped the enemy :sign of strength & thought the scalping kept the enemy from going to an afterlife
PLAINS NATIVE TEXANS Pg.85 APACHES Fought Comanche Skilled with bow and arrow Buffalo Wore high boots Feared the dead APACHES Move tents away from graves Buried all belongings Wouldn’t speak of person again
PLAINS NATIVE TEXANS Pg.85 KIOWAS Expert riders Calendar makers Painted pictures on tepees Allies to Comanches Buffalo Held a Sun Dance each year -Prevented sickness -Victory in war - Good Health – children -Food
PUEBLOAN NATIVE TEXANS Pg.85 TIGUAS JUMANOS Pueblos Houses – adobe Farmers- Corn,beans etc. Lived by rivers-Fished Hunted/tracked Made pottery Grew some cotton
FULTON BATTISE The chief of the Alabama- Coushattas from 1970 to 1994, Robert Fulton(Kina) Battise was born on a reservation in Polk county, Texas, on March 16,1909. The son of McConico and Mabel Battise On January, 1, 1970, he became principal chief. He encouraged the growth of the reservation’s tourist facilities, built modern housing through a federal project, organized a kindergarten Head Start program, and built a medical clinic.