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Collections Document 1Document 2 Document 3 Document 4 DocumentDB Database { "name": "John", "country": "Canada", "age": 43, "lastUse": "March 4, 2014" } { "name": “Andrew", "country": “America", "age": 22, "firstUse": “June 17, 2014" } { "docCount": 3, "last": "May 1, 2014" } { "name": "Eva", "country": "Germany", "age": 25 } JSO N
Collections Document 1Document 2 Document 3 Document 4 DocumentDB Database { "name": "John", "country": "Canada", "age": 43, "lastUse": "March 4, 2014" } { "name": “Andrew", "country": “America", "age": 22, "firstUse": “June 17, 2014" } { "docCount": 3, "last": "May 1, 2014" } { "name": "Eva", "country": "Germany", "age": 25 } JSO N
Collections Document 1Document 2 Document 3 Document 4 DocumentDB Database { "name": "John", "country": "Canada", "age": 43, "lastUse": "March 4, 2014" } { "name": “Andrew", "country": “America", "age": 22, "firstUse": “June 17, 2014" } { "docCount": 3, "last": "May 1, 2014" } { "name": "Eva", "country": "Germany", "age": 25 } JSO N
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Highly concurrent, lock free, log structured indexing technology developed with Microsoft Research Optimized for SSD (works well for HDD) Automatic indexing of JSON documents without requiring schema or secondary indices, but configurable via: Modes Consistent, Lazy Policies Automatic, Manual Paths Included, Excluded Types Hash, Range
select * from playground p where p.name = “DocumentDB”