UN HABITAT Urban Youth Fund Training of Beneficiaries 8-12 November Kathmandu, Nepal Stakeholder Management UN HABITAT Urban Youth Fund Training of Beneficiaries 8-12 November Kathmandu, Nepal Facilitated by : Jean-Claude Adzalla
UN HABITAT Urban Youth Fund Training of Beneficiaries 8-12 November Kathmandu, Nepal Objectives Understand who are our project stakeholders To provide a clearer understanding of stakeholders and, as a result, provide insights as to how best to engage them. Principles of Stakeholders Management
UN HABITAT Urban Youth Fund Training of Beneficiaries 8-12 November Kathmandu, Nepal Who are our project stakeholders?
UN HABITAT Urban Youth Fund Training of Beneficiaries 8-12 November Kathmandu, Nepal A project stakeholder A project stakeholder is key people, groups of people, or institutions that may significantly influence or be influenced by the success of your activity or project. PM Book definition
UN HABITAT Urban Youth Fund Training of Beneficiaries 8-12 November Kathmandu, Nepal Who are our stakeholders? What to look for: Consistency with project goal Consistency with project strategy Consistency with project type
UN HABITAT Urban Youth Fund Training of Beneficiaries 8-12 November Kathmandu, Nepal Stakeholder’s analysis What is it? A stakeholder analysis is a technique you can use to identify and assess the importance of your stakeholders. Who does it?
UN HABITAT Urban Youth Fund Training of Beneficiaries 8-12 November Kathmandu, Nepal Who uses it?
UN HABITAT Urban Youth Fund Training of Beneficiaries 8-12 November Kathmandu, Nepal Why use a stakeholders analisys? To identify people, groups, and institutions that will influence or be influenced by your initiative (either positively or negatively) anticipate the kind of influence, positive or negative, these groups will have on your initiative develop strategies to get the most effective support possible for your initiative and reduce any obstacles to successful implementation of your program.
UN HABITAT Urban Youth Fund Training of Beneficiaries 8-12 November Kathmandu, Nepal SHA Process StakeholderStakeholder Interest(s) in the Project Assessment of Impact Potential Strategies for Obtaining Support or Reducing Obstacles
UN HABITAT Urban Youth Fund Training of Beneficiaries 8-12 November Kathmandu, Nepal SHA Process Continued Step 1: In group Brainstorming, identify all the people, groups, and institutions that will affect or be affected by your initiative and list them in the column under "Stakeholder."
UN HABITAT Urban Youth Fund Training of Beneficiaries 8-12 November Kathmandu, Nepal Step 2 Review the list and identify the specific interests these stakeholders have in your project. Consider issues like: the project's benefit(s) to the stakeholder; the changes that the project might require the stakeholder to make. The project activities that might cause damage or conflict for the stakeholder. Record these under the column "Stakeholder Interest(s) in the Project."
UN HABITAT Urban Youth Fund Training of Beneficiaries 8-12 November Kathmandu, Nepal Step 3 Arrange stakeholders by order of importance and code A High Influence, High Importance B Low Influence, High Importance C High Influence, Low Importance D Low Influence, Low Importance
UN HABITAT Urban Youth Fund Training of Beneficiaries 8-12 November Kathmandu, Nepal Stakeholders Matrix
UN HABITAT Urban Youth Fund Training of Beneficiaries 8-12 November Kathmandu, Nepal Box A These are stakeholders appearing to have a high degree of influence on the project, who are also of high importance for its success. This implies that the implementing organization will need to construct good working relationships with these stakeholders, to ensure an effective coalition of support for the project. Examples might be the senior officials and politicians or trade unions.
UN HABITAT Urban Youth Fund Training of Beneficiaries 8-12 November Kathmandu, Nepal BOX B These are stakeholders of high importance to the success of the project, but with low influence. This implies that they will require special initiatives if their interests are to be protected. An example may be traditionally marginalised groups (e.g. Indigenous people, youth, seniors), who might be beneficiaries of a new service, but who have little ‘voice’ in its development.
UN HABITAT Urban Youth Fund Training of Beneficiaries 8-12 November Kathmandu, Nepal BOX C These are stakeholders with high influence, who can therefore affect the project outcomes, but whose interests are not necessarily aligned with the overall goals of the project. They might be financial administrators, who can exercise considerable discretion over funding disbursements. This conclusion implies that these stakeholders may be a source of significant risk, and they will need careful monitoring and management.
UN HABITAT Urban Youth Fund Training of Beneficiaries 8-12 November Kathmandu, Nepal BOX D The stakeholders in this box, with low influence on, or importance to the project objectives, may require limited monitoring or evaluation, but are of low priority.