Sonny (Sechang) Son Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin-Madison Dealing with Internet Connectivity in Distributed Computing
2 Firewalls & Private Networks › Firewalls provide cheap and good way to protect networks becoming headquarters of integrated security systems › Private networks A solution to IPv4 address shortage problem Easy network management and easy address planning › We have many firewalls and private networks deployed and will continue to have them in the future
3 Problems › Non-universal connectivity › Asymmetric connectivity › Collaboration becomes difficult or impossible › Resources are wasted
4 Agenda › Introduction › DPF (Dynamic Port Forwarding) › GCB (Generic Connection Brokering) › eGCB (extended GCB) › Conclusion
5 Dynamic Port Forwarding B DPF lib DPF agent A Client Server app NAT X A XA B B = socket(); bind(B, ANY); getsockname(B, X ); BIND (B) X X B X A = socket(); connect(A, X);
6 DPF › Basic Idea: On-demand open/close › Supporting Environments Headnode: Linux NAT box DPFnized private application Regular public application
7 DPF › DPF can be used with any firewall that allows you to control opening/closing through the following APIs: open (local, remote, sec) timeout (sec), where sec may be 0 to close the opening list › Confirms MIDCOM specification at semantics level
8 GCB: socket registration BGCB lib Broker X Server AGCB lib Client B = socket(); bind(B, ANY); getsockname(B, X ) BIND (B) X X
9 GCB: passive connection B GCB lib Broker X Server AGCB lib Client connect(A, X ) CONNECT (X) PASSIVE CONTACT (A)
10 GCB: relay connection B GCB lib Broker X Server AGCB lib Client connect(A, X ) CONNECT (X) ACTIVE (X) CONTACT (Y) Y
11 GCB › Basic Idea: reversing the direction underneath the application › Supporting Environments No requirement to firewalls Outbound connections are allowed Broker is placed either on the edge or outside of the private network
12 eGCB (extended GCB) › Support for multiple connection mechanisms Integration of DPF & GCB › Security to protect the Broker › Extension to DPF On-demand open/close for outbound connections
13 Support for Multiple Methods submit site execution site … … direct connection communication via a punched hole reversed connection communication via relay execution site execution site execution site
14 Connection Setup inagent outagentlistenerconnector F/W 1) registration 2) open for outbound 3) negotiation 4) connection setup
15 Conclusions › DPF requires administrative and technical control on headnodes but it is fast and scalable › GCB is a little slower than DPF but requires no control on headnodes › The combination of DPF and GCB supports wider range of network setting than any other system › GCB and eGCB are generic mechanisms and can be used any application
16 Thank you! Sonny (Sechang) Son Rm# 3387
17 Ways to handle › Manual opening Same effect as not having firewall for the range of addresses Impossible for administrator to know how many and how long addresses must be opened › Deceiving firewalls War between firewalls and ‘firewall-friendly’ software › We need a cooperative way!
18 Security Enforcement inagent outagentlistenerconnector F/W Sec. Req. Security Enforcement