OVERVIEW Introduction Factors that influence consumers trust Internet Fraud Survey results Conclusion References Google Images
INTRODUCTION E-commerce is “the sharing of business information, maintaining business relationships, and conducting business transactions by means of Internet-based technology”. (Harrington et al, 2003, Pg. 27) Example= Google Images
FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE CONSUMER TRUST Factors affect consumer trust: 1. Prior experience 2. Knowledge of the website 3. General trust in others Abuhamdieh & Sutanonpaiboon, 2008 Google Images
INTERNET FRAUD 79% increase in internet fraud from Fraud destabilizes consumer confidence. 2010, 135 million counterfeit goods Internet makes fraud cost less and prosecution harder (Dinev, 2006) Google Images
SURVEY RESULTS 100% of people shop online Range from products like clothes to ordering food 55% are worried about treat of fraud 60% prefer retail shopping Knowledge of website biggest factor
CONCLUSION Consumers do trust online shopping 2008 global online retail sales reached 204 billion Kept increasing Internet fraud destabilizes confidence Chen & Dibb, 2010
REFERENCES Abuhamdieh, A., & Sutanonpaiboon, J. (2008) Factors influencing trust in consumer to consumer (C2C) transactions. Journal of Internet Commerce, Vol. 7(2) Chen, J., & Dibb, S. (2010) Consumer Trust in the online Retail Context: Exploring the Antecedents and Consequences. Psychology & Marketing, Vol. 27(4): 323– 346 Dinev, T. (2006). Why spoofing is serious internet fraud. Communications of the ACM. Vol 49. No 10. Harrington. S, Ruppel. C., & Underwood-Queen, L. (2003) e-Commerce: The Roles of Trust, Security, and Type of e- Commerce Involvement. E-Service Journal. Volume 2, Number 2, winter 2003, pp
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