CPNZ Basic Training 003 – Reporting
Anything seen, heard or experienced, which may be of interest, or is relevant to guidelines provided. NOTE: Police are the ultimate judges of relevance. What do you report?
To pass on information to an appropriate authority on what we see, hear or experience. To provide a tool to measure our effectiveness. To serve as a safety measure for patrollers. Reports CAN be used as evidence by the Police. Why do you report?
Reporting Cell phone to Duty Sergeant Direct Report to Police Patrol IN ALL EMERGENCIES DIAL 111 Written report to Police or to Council etc. Cell phone to Police Comms
Reporting CELL PHONE – Routine call to Police Comms (Possible queue) – Urgent call to Police Comms (111) – Call to Duty Sergeant (use with discretion) stay where you are If you report something to the Police and they are responding, stay where you are till they arrive, to keep an eye on the situation (unless you are specifically following somebody). If anything changes, LET THEM KNOW ASAP!
Reporting POLICE – Urgent or suspicious matters, possibly requiring action (Police Decision!) – Witnessed / witnessing something Police have requested assistance on. – Response to call which may, or may not, be specifically addressed to your patrol, e.g.: cell phone call; or advised as 10/1 broadcast; or call to Police unit, which may be several minutes away.
Reporting The Five ‘W’s’ Who What Where When Weapons Minimum information required is that listed above. Consider what you are going to say.
Who What Where When Weapons Five young males are fighting outside Roger’s Bar…... at this time using fists and bats, and one possible knife Reporting
Reporting Suspicious Vehicle(s) Reg. Number. (Ideally front and back!) Type - Car / Truck / Van / Motorcycle Make / Model Colour(s) / Markings Condition / Damage Location / Direction of Travel Reason for Suspicion
Reporting Suspicious person(s) Male / Female – Age / Race / Build / Height / Skin Colour Hair / Facial Hair - Colour / Length / Style Face - Shape / Eyes / Mouth / Spectacles Clothing - Style / Colours / Markings / Head ware Shoes - Colour / Style
Reporting Suspicious person(s) Jewellery - Type / Location / Colour Scars / Tattoos - Location / Description Special features - Limps / Twitches / Missing Limbs, etc. Voice(s) – Tone / Accent / Distinctive Features / Lisp With ALL of the above, you will have a very good description.
Details of: Vehicle Km’s travelled Total time Crew Time – recorded in 24 hour format Concise but definitive description of what your are reporting. (ie what you see). Don’t make assumptions. Let the Police decide. ANY contact with Police (Comms, by phone or physical contact)
Statistical Reporting This area is found on he base of your Patrol Report and is used to record the types of events that you and have encountered on your patrol. Further information on Statistics is covered in Section 2.6
Make it clear and legible. If it can’t be read it’s of no use! If Police ask you to check certain things, make sure you do and advise the result. Follow your patrol’s procedures for submitting the Patrol Report and the information it contains Written Reports
You can also report to: – Local Councils regarding: Damage to or insecure premises. Abandoned vehicles. Faulty street lights or damaged poles. Issues with Water Mains – Local Supermarkets regarding: Dumped shopping trollies. Written Reports
Summary of what to Report WHAT IS Factual Accurate Clear and concise Complete A measure of your effectiveness WHAT IS NOT Assumption / guess Inaccurate Illegible Vague or rambling Events without times
CPNZ Basic Training 003 – Reporting ends