Historical Hydrographic Records off Southwest Taiwan Based on Foraminiferal Isotopic Compositions Hui-Ling Lin IMGC/NSYSU Acknowledgements: Coordinator – Prof. James Liu/NSYSU Prof. Saulwood Lin/NTU Prof. Chi-An Huh/Academia Sinica Prof. Hong-Chun Li/NCKU Prof. Horng-Sheng Mii/NTNU Technicians onboard of R/V ORI+ROIII Jeff, Francy, Lydia, etc…
North of KPC South of KPC Cores collected between October 2004 and April 2006
North of KPC 302 m307 m 638 m683 m 767 m732 m
South of KPC 376 m 491 m 662 m 721 m 822 m
Air temperature record from Hengchun Weather Station warm x x
Multivariate ENSO Index (MEI) x x
North of KPC
South of KPC
warmer/fresher cooler/saline
narrow vs. wide light vs. heavy
Distribution of dyed benthic forams from surface sediments EOF Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3
Benthic foraminiferal 18 O C records
Amplitude of isotope signal at 911 m is greater than that in 1263 m
Take Home Messages: Hydrographic signals recorded by planktonic forams are comparable with local temperature record and global MEI index; Variations of bottom water change ( 18 O+ 13 C) in deep water (>1000 m) is relatively condensed than those from shallow water.