WIR SCHAFFEN WISSEN – HEUTE FÜR MORGEN Steps towards beam commissioning: Optics group Rolf Follath :: Beamline optics :: Paul Scherrer Institut SwissFEL.


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Presentation transcript:

WIR SCHAFFEN WISSEN – HEUTE FÜR MORGEN Steps towards beam commissioning: Optics group Rolf Follath :: Beamline optics :: Paul Scherrer Institut SwissFEL Commissioning Workshop, 27 January 2016 FHNW Campus Brugg-Windisch

Our system, 2 beamlines Page 2 CRL Distance from end of undulator (m) OOMH Top view M 11 M 12 M 21 M 22 M 23 M 24 M 14 M mm M 15 M 16 2 – 32 mrad EoU m / / AU8 AU4 CRL 8-12 mrad 2 OOMV(1) 2 ODCM 2 OOMV(2) 2 OKBV 2 OKBH 5 OAPU

Our system Page 3 Aperture Units (5 x OAPU)  4 moveable blades to define the beam and protect equipment Offset mirrors (2 x OOMH+ 2 OOMV)  deflect and steer the beam to Aramis 1 and Aramis 2 Harmonic Rejection Mirrors (2 x OOMV)  reject high harmonics (Aramis 1),  restore beam offset after Mono Double Crystal Monochromators (2 x ODCM)  define wavelength and reduce bandwidth Refocussing Mirrors (2 x OKBV + 2 x OKBH)  define spot size on sample Attenuators (3 x OATT)  attenuate FEL-beam with 6 x 4 thin sheets of silicon and diamond, gain curve Reference lasers (2 x OLAS)  alignment tool for experiment Pulse Picker (2 x OPPI)  Select arbitrary pulses

We need/depend on Survey, Vacuum, Controls,... Pulse energy measurements Photon beam position Who depends on us Undulator gap commissiong Experiments Our most important interfaces to (dependences on) other expert groups Page 4

Our steps towards beam commissioning/operation: Hardware installation Page 5 (Current status; lead or delay with respect to PIC plan; is the time set aside in the PIC plan sufficient?) (Aktueller Stand; Vorsprung oder Verzögerung gegenüber PIC-Plan; sieht der PIC-Plan genügend Zeit dafür vor?) System FabricationDeliveredCommissionedReady for Installation InstalledTotal APU OOMV(1) OOMH OOMV(2) ODCM OKBV OKBH OATT OLAS OPPI

Our steps towards beam commissioning/operation: Hardware installation Page 6 (Current status; lead or delay with respect to PIC plan; is the time set aside in the PIC plan sufficient?) (Aktueller Stand; Vorsprung oder Verzögerung gegenüber PIC-Plan; sieht der PIC-Plan genügend Zeit dafür vor?)

Dec. 2016Photons in front end, June 2017Photons in optical hutch, Start beamline commissioning Our steps towards beam commissioning/operation: System commissioning in OSFA before beam Page 7 (Current status; lead or delay with respect to PIC plan; is the time set aside in the PIC plan sufficient?) (Systeminbetriebnahme ohne Strahl: aktueller Stand; Vorsprung oder Verzögerung gegenüber PIC-Plan; ist genügend Zeit vorgesehen?)

… Our steps towards beam commissioning/operation: Handover to operation, pre-beam checks Page 8 (Modalities, concrete plans, target date?) (Wie wird das System dem Betrieb übergeben? Gibt es Pläne für Prebeam-Checks? Termine?)

Our steps towards beam commissioning/operation: System commissioning with beam Page 9 System#CommissionNeedsShiftsTotal APU5Align to beam, scan profile Spontaneous OOMV(1 ) 2 Check position and deflection angle, steer beam, motion check. Check reflectance of 3 coatings. Check bending performance and focusing, determine source point Start with spontaneous of any photon energy (PBPS). Full photon range, spontaneous or attenuated SASE beam (PDIM). SASE at several photon energies (PBPS, wavefront sensor) x 4 OOMH2See OOMV See OOMV(1)42 x 4 OOMV(2 ) 2See OOMV(1) 4 ODCM2 Motion check, Bragg scans, Crystal2-scans, crystal change Calibrate roll and C2 pitch. Energy calibration Check wavefront, defocusing. Start with spontaneous of any photon energy > 2.5 keV (PBPS, PDIM). Spontaneous of several energies (PBPS). Spontan.or SASE of several energies (PDIM) SASE (wavefront sensor) x 10 OLAS2Align to FEL-beamSASE0.51

Our steps towards beam commissioning/operation: System commissioning with beam Page 10 System#CommissionNeedsShiftsTotal OKBV2 Motion check, steer beam, Calibrate angles. Check reflectance Check wavefront, focusing Start with spontaneous of any photon energy > 2.5 keV (PBPS, PDIM). Full photon range, spontaneous or attenuated SASE beam (PDIM). SASE (wavefront sensor) x 5 OKBH2See OKBHSee OKBV2 x 5 OATT3Check attenuation of 24 absorbersSpontaneous, variious energies23 x 2 OLAS2Align to FEL-beamSASE0.51 OPPI2Align to beam, synchronizeSpontanteous or SASE24

What makes us confident and happy Page 11 … (Which aspects of installation/commissioning are working well for your group?) (Wo gibt es Grund für Zuversicht und Zufriedenheit im Zusammenhang mit Installation und Inbetriebnahme?)

What makes us worry Page 12 Vacuum Cabling Software Matching of crystal orientation (Where do you see the biggest problems or challenges for your group?) (Welches sind die grössten Sorgen oder Befürchtungen im Zusammenhang mit Installation und Inbetriebnahme?)

What we also wanted to mention… Page 13 … (Add anything here that you feel should be mentioned but does not fit anywhere else) (Zusätzliche Bemerkungen ausserhalb der explizit aufgelisteten Themen)

Page 14 Wir schaffen Wissen – heute für morgen Acknowledgments Milan Radovic Claude Pradervand Luc Patthey Uwe Flechsig Peter Heimgartner (No summary – this presentation is already a summary…)