Maximizing Your Communications
Two Way Street ABAB A common mistake people make is to focus on the delivery of information, rather than how it is received. Communication must be two-way. And you must be prepared to deliver information across multiple platforms.
In today’s world, news is traveling faster than ever. Traditional forms of communication cannot keep up. People are receiving their news extremely different from how they received it just 10 years ago. IAFF affiliates must adapt to the ever changing world of media to be able to get their message out. Goals today include understanding social media, how it works, and how to incorporate these media tools into an effective campaign outreach initiative.
40% of cell phone users use a social networking site on the phone. 28% percent do so on a daily basis. 31% of all social media users have used the tools to encourage other people to take action on a political or social issue that is important to them. On average, people are on Facebook for 1 hour every day. Over 50% are on mobile devices only.
-How is it perceived with the community? -How is it perceived with elected officials? -How is it perceived with your members? -With the media, others? Your Local As A Brand
Think how your Local is viewed by key audiences--public, elected officials and your members. Think about your local as a brand and not just a logo, complaint center or a sticker warehouse. Think about what your brand should be and how to get there. Think of ways to make sure the IAFF and Local brand is protected.
INTERNALEXTERNAL 2 Areas of Communication
Earned Media Direct mail Door-to-Door Key Communicators Visibility Created Events/Preset Events Paid Media Databases Audio/Video Publications/Print Material Phone Web Social Media Coffees Friends of Friends Text Speeches/Debates Public Meetings One-On-One Polling Voter Files Ways We Communicate
Internal Communications
Members need to know the value of your local Without unions, we would not have the standard of living or the opportunity to provide a respectable life for our families. Automatic loyalty doesn’t just happen. Most workers entering the workforce for the past several years come from families that have no prior history of unionism. Lack of labor education and the mostly negative impressions generated by the mainstream media about unions has to be reversed.
Messaging to your members requires you to tell them about what you are doing daily for them. This goes against the whole “I am just doing my job” mentality. Members need to know what your local, PFFG, and the IAFF are regularly doing for them. Repeat, Repeat, Repeat your message. Members need to know the value of your local
Integrate Into All Union Activities Not An After Thought Don’t Wing It Identify Roles Budget Resources Make It a Priority Get Leadership Support
Member Communication is the Key To Success in any Campaign -Station visits -Message Board at the Fire House/Work Location - Blasts -Text Groups -Facebook “Member Only” Groups -Local News Channel on the IAFF Frontline App
IAFF Frontline App Local News Channel The IAFF Frontline App has a feature that allows your local to deliver local affiliate news to members. This feature allows you to message your members right where they are, regardless of location. If they have a smart phone, they will get your message. To date, there have been over 5,000 downloads of the mobile app.
IAFF Frontline App Local News Channel Communications to your members is the most important form of communications you will engage in. The local news channel provides this communication advantage.
USING FACEBOOK INTERNALLY- Groups IAFF Locals can also have their own local Facebook Group to reach members. Facebook groups are a great resource to communicate with your members. Privacy settings allow for more personal discussion.
NEWS BLASTS -Great way to reach members. -Provides pertinent information and links to what you want your members to know. -Don’t use your department’s e- mail system. -Pay attention to your open rates.
WEBSITE Web sites, while declining in effectiveness, still have purpose. Great place to house all of your information online. Use social media to drive followers to your website.
WEBSITE -Make sure your website is mobile responsive. -Most people will view your website on their phone or tablet.
Text groups offer a way to reach members directly. 95% of texts are viewed within 10 minutes after being sent. Beware of over usage and member data plans. TEXT GROUPS
FACE TO FACE - Face to face meetings are still your best way to meet, inform, and energize your members. - Puts a face to all of the E- mails, texts, and social media messages.
EXTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS Communicating with the media and the public can also show your members the value of your local… Generating a response to your calls to action can show the power of your local. Being able to communicate externally helps develop the necessary community support needed to win the big battles.
EXTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS Being able to tell your story goes a long way towards defending jobs and having support on your issues. Dramatic pictures of what you face daily defines your brand and can generate the media you need to promote your members.
FACEBOOK FAN PAGE The Facebook Fan page is a major resource that can be used to promote the efforts of members in every corner of the state. The fan page has features that allow for: - Targeted promoting of your message -Advertising via demographic and/or location. -Scheduling of posts to allow leaders to use their time better. -Drive people to your website.
- Locals can utilize their own Facebook Fan pages to strengthen their brand locally in the communities they serve. - Maintain all of the benefits of the PFFG page, but can focus on local issues as well. - Multiple locals sharing content throughout their Facebook Fan pages can result in increased engagements and more followers. FACEBOOK FAN PAGE
IMPORTANT: Facebook Prioritizes Content Facebook uses a mathematical algorithm to determine what appears on your Facebook newsfeed. The Facebook Algorithm has over 100,000 determining factors and is changing every few months. If your post gains traction with your followers, the post will be shown to more of your followers
IMPORTANT: Facebook Prioritizes Content This algorithm determines the difference between “Organic” and “Inorganic” posts and then releases it to a sample of your followers to see how interested they are. Understanding that there is an algorithm is the key to increased Facebook success.
IMPORTANT: Facebook Prioritizes Content Organic Likes Content you specifically create, whether it is a post, picture, or video. When you click on a post to like it or share it without being prompted in the post you are reading.
IMPORTANT: Facebook Prioritizes Content Inorganic Likes Anything on Facebook that you are prompted to like or share. Posts that you just have a link for, such as a newspaper ad or media report. Any content on your page that you are not the creator for.
Getting the Most Out of Facebook New Post New post goes on IAFF Fan Page. Lot of Likes? YES! NO Algorithm assigns your post to roughly 7-10% of your fan base. Yes? Algorithm pushes your post to more followers. No? Algorithm buries your post.
Can this Algorithm be defeated? Simply Put- NO To Have Success Provide original content at least a couple of times daily. Activity=more When posting, ask questions that illicit a response. People posting to your responses activates the algorithm to spread your post to more of your followers. When using video, upload it directly to Facebook. The algorithm then recognizes it as original content and spreads it. Devise a program where your members know that they have to visit your local’s page and like and share posts.
Can this Algorithm be defeated? Simply Put- NO To Have Success - If you post a picture, provide a good detailed description of the photo. -Once you post, immediately like it. Then like it from your personal profile within 5 minutes. This will start to generate some movement. -Mix things up. Have a revolving collection of text, video, links, and photos. -Tagging people within the text of your posts is really good. -Try to have an average post rate of 2-3 a day. This keeps your page active.
Can this Algorithm be defeated? Simply Put- NO To Have Success - Concentrate on sharing images and videos that are unique and do not appear already on other pages. -Keep your videos short. -People love trivia, tips, and answering questions. -Make sure your page’s profile is completely filled out.
Getting the Most Out of Facebook
Using Instagram -Surpassed Twitter as far as total users in While 23 percent of Americans now use Twitter, 26 percent use Instagram -- up from 17 percent in 2013 and 13 percent in Over 300 Million users by December % of Instagram users are female while 32% are male. -Instagram has been proven to attract the younger generation with 90% of the 150 million users under the age of 35. -Instagram is more popular among women than men.
Using Twitter Twitter is a messaging system where you have to get your message out in 140 characters. The number one social media outlet for members of the media and their stations. Every reporter in your media outlet follows Twitter. Twitter moves faster than TV news. Your ability to master Twitter can affect whether breaking news benefits you or hurts you. Your Twitter feed is also an unfiltered messaging system. No reporter slant. No edited stories. Just your message the way you want it.
Using Periscope -Launched in March of 2014, Periscope is a live video streaming app -Purchased by Twitter in Quickly has gained 10 million downloads. -Gives IAFF Locals the ability to go live anytime, anywhere with their event. -Live Feed your own content and then save the broadcast for your other social media feed -In August of 2015, Periscope states that over 40 years worth of video was being watched each day. -Download Periscope at
Social Media Campaign Tips Know how to tell your local’s story, issue and position digitally. Have a compelling, clear, concise message. Understand the power of branding your local (logos, etc. ). Understand your target audience and find people online with common ideas to build support. Pick the right social media for your campaign to help with desired results. Activate your community and identify influencers to help your message. Be prepared to inform, engage, activate and be honest about your campaign, position and issue.
-Build your social media audience BEFORE you need it. -Understand the different social media outlets and how to properly engage people on those platforms -Get on Twitter. Make sure you engage local media on Twitter. -Have the right people in place to run your social media programs. DON’T depend on ONE person to manage ALL your accounts for a campaign. -Make sure your digital ambassador stays on message with your local’s issue. -Assign a Hashtag (#) to your event, issue, or cause Social Media Campaign Tips