8 November 2012, Penn State Harrisburg Linda Friend University Libraries Publishing & Curation Services
We’ll Cover: ScholarSphere background Features of the beta release Demo Ways to get help, learn more, suggest features Future development for ScholarSphere Q & A
ScholarSphere: Collects a scholar’s work in one location to create a durable and citable record of papers, presentations, publications, datasets, and other scholarly creations Facilitates sharing research with a worldwide audience Preserves materials long-term Bit-level checking (scheduled and on-demand verifications of deposited works) Version control Regular file backups, and replication to disaster recovery sites Provenance – all actions are logged for audit trails Provides place to comply with funding agency requirements for data management plans
ScholarSphere’s Context Launched at Penn State on September 24, 2012 Platform is the Hydra Framework: a flexible, open-source development community Hydra Project Partners: Stanford, University of Virginia, University of Hull, Indiana, Notre Dame, Columbia, Northwestern, Penn State, and DuraSpace
Quick Facts Open to anyone in the Penn State community who has scholarly work or data to preserve or share Each user has a lot of control over who can see an item and how it can be re-used (or not) Besides scholarly use by faculty, can be a continuing place to share and preserve student classroom work – able to cite a link on resumes, etc.
Quick Facts, cont. The first time a user logs in, a personal Dashboard is created – that’s all it takes to sign up Only 4 types of metadata are required (creator, title, rights, keyword.) We encourage depositors to do more! Any type of file can be uploaded to ScholarSphere (although ability to preserve long-term might vary) – text, images, data sets, audio, video, presentations, etc. Current browser technology limits us to 200MB maximum for an individual file upload and 500MB maximum total upload for multiple files at once Are working with several groups to do behind-the-scenes batch loads for them
Beta Release Features Three Access Levels: Make work publicly viewable, viewable by the Penn State community, or restrict access to yourself & anyone you designate – easy to change Citation: Cite your work via stable, short URLs; export metadata to citation managers Searching/visibility: Search/browse and view your own files and all public and shared files Public records are harvested by major search engines. Versions: store, list, add new versions of your files, and revert to a past version Stability & Preservation: verify that your files have not changed over time
ScholarSphere Demo
Since the launch September 24… ScholarSphere has gone social - can “follow” other people - on Twitter to announce new capabilities, collect possible uses and feature requests, and answer questions. See what’s new or participate at twitter.com/scholarsphere Can “follow” someone on ScholarSphere About 150 users have signed on in the first 6 weeks Interesting public content so far: -learning objects, audio clips, articles, presentations, images, and parts of books -issues of a student scholarly journal, PSUJIA (PSU Journal of International Affairs)
Summary ScholarSphere…. Is openly available to anyone for searching materials the depositors have tagged as Public Is available for anyone with a current Penn State Access ID to deposit and edit materials – including undergrads Makes it easy for scholars to assign Creative Commons licenses to works they deposit Makes it easy for scholars to assign viewing privileges (Public, Private, Penn State only)
Summary, cont. A creator can assign viewing and/or editing rights to other Penn Staters Google Chrome is the preferred browser but others generally work fine High visibility – for example, the Google search engine picks up public ingests really quickly. Has been tested for web accessibility
Timely Questions We’re Getting How will putting some of my work in ScholarSphere affect my promotion & tenure, my ability to publish elsewhere, my reputation as a scholar? -depends on the discipline, the content, originality, etc. -could enhance an article by providing a permanent place to put the raw data so that others can access it -provide audio/video materials not possible in a printed book, -create a working bibliography where others could contribute additional citations, etc. Suggestions for new features, e.g. the ability to create a collection of related materials Intellectual property rights information
For More Info General Questions? Use the Contact Form at OR send to Need information on intellectual property rights related to ScholarSphere? Check Help: How about policies for the repository? Use the About tab: Questions about searching? Consult the FAQ: Interested in a demo of ScholarSphere for a meeting or class? Contact your campus librarians.
Goals for Future Releases Integration with other research services (Harvard Profiles) Support for more complex use requirements – e.g., large research data sets Add to long term preservation functionality Assessment and evaluation, use statistics Keep building new Hydra-based services for Penn State ArchiveSphere; RecordsSphere; ImageSphere
Questions? scholarsphere.psu.edu Questions?