My body head hair neck shoulder body arm hand leg foot (feet) toe knee [hed] [heə] [nek] [‘∫əʊldə] [‘bɒdɪ] [ɑ:m] [hӕnd] [leg] [fʊt] [fi:t] [təʊ] [ni:] голова волосся шия плече тіло рука рука (кисть) нога ступня ( ступні) палець (на нозі) коліно
My face ear eye nose mouth cheek [ɪə] [aɪ] [nəʊz] [maʊθ] [t∫i:k] вухо око ніс рот щока
What is this ? This is a –це (є) … head face leg hand
What are these? These are … - це (є) … eyes ears toes feet
head hair ear eyenose mouth shoulder hand arm finger leg knee foot(feet) toe face
Правила читання ch sh ing ey,ay,ai oy ee th ir,or,er oor,our,or [t∫] [∫] [ɪɳ] [eɪ] [ↄɪ] [i:] [θ] [ð] [3:] [ↄ:]
[ᴐ:] door, four, horse, your four girls four birds four toys three horses you-your The door is grey, The bird is green. My name is Ann- Your name is Tim.
[ɪ] is, his, sit, Bill, big [ɒ] on, not, dog, doll, Tom [ӕ] bag, can, Ann, Sam, and, stand [e]ten, seven, shelf, red, bed, yes [ᴧ]stand up, run, jump, cup, mum [ð]the, this, that, they [aɪ] I, hi, nine, fine, time, five, nice, my, fly [eɪ] grey, day, today, cake, Kate, name, Jane [ ↄɪ] toy, boy [i:] green, meet, see, sleep [θ] three, thank you [з:] girl, bird, word, her, birthday ggjbjbjmvhvv
Правила читання [eə] their, fair, hair, chair, bear 1) fair hair they – their (їхній) their bear their- chair [ɑ:] are, dark (темний) 2) They are girls. Their names are Pam and Jane. You are boys. Your names are Tom and Max. 3) I have got fair hair. You have got a big bear. світлийїхнійведмедик
I have got a small nose. У мене є маленький ніс. I have got two eyes. I have got two ears. I have got two legs. I have got two hands. I have got two arms. I have got two feet. I have got two shoulders. I have got dark hair. I have got fair hair. Я маю маленький ніс. У мене два ока. У мене два вуха. У мене дві ноги. У мене дві руки. У мене дві ступні. У мене два плеча. У мене темне волосся. У мене світле волосся.
Д/З вивчити слова ( у понеділок словниковий диктант) впр.3 ст. 103 чіп., списати.
Song Toys for me, Toys for you, Toys for everyone! A pink ballerina, A blue soldier! We are all having fun! Toys for me, Toys for you, Toys for everyone! A brown teddy bear, A yellow doll! We are all having fun!
[i:] green, meet, see, sleep [ T ] three, thank you, - I see the doll in the box. It is nice. Is it your doll, Kate? - Yes, it is. You can take it. - Thank you. - Meet Ben! He is a nice boy. He is three. -hello, Ben! Can you see that bird in the tree? - Yes, I can. It is green.
[з:] girl, bird, word, her, birthday This is a girl. Her name is Jane. It is Jane’s birthday today. She is happy. That is her toy. It is a green bird. The bird can fly. - Is it Jane’s birthday today? -Yes, it is. -How old is Jane? -She is eight. -How is she? -She is happy.
My body моє тіло
head [hed]
hair [heә]
ear [ıә] ears
neck [nek]
shoulder [‘∫əʊldə] shoulders
arm [ɑ:m] arms
hand [hӕnd] hands
leg [leg] legs
knee [ni:] knees
foot [fʊt] feet [fi:t]
toe [təʊ] toes
face [feɪs]
eye [aɪ] eyes
nose [nəʊz]
mouth [maʊθ]
What’s this? 1 head 2 face 3 nose 4 mouth
What’s this? 1 foot 2 leg 3 hand
My body Head hair ear eye nose mouth face shoulder arm hand [hӕd] [heə] [ɪə] [aɪ] [nəʊz] [maʊθ] [feɪs] [∫əʊldə] [ɑ:m] [hӕnd] leg foot neck toe knee [leg] [fʊt] [nek] [təʊ] [ni:]
Д/З вивчити слова впр.2 ст.101 читати, перекладати впр. 2 ст.99 читати, перекладати
head hair eye ear arm hand finger shoulder neck face leg knee foot (feet ) toe nose