This is amateur video footage of the 9/11 attack on the south tower of the World Trade Center. It captures additional flying objects moving across the screen faster than the Boeing which has been clocked approaching at speeds ranging from 500 to 574 mph! This is one of the best preserved of the videos shown on TV following the attacks. Many have been taken down from the internet by hackers and the rest...have been modified to make it look as though the fast objects are birds. As will be explained below, this video seems to have been taken from a boat on the East River. The New York City Hall will appear just around the corner as the boat moves southwest toward the Brooklyn Bridge. This is the top of the guard rail of the Brooklyn Bridge.
New York City Hall Brooklyn Bridge guard rail The fireball is still expanding about 8 seconds after the impact... But the really interesting part of the video took place in the first second afterward!
Huh?! Two planes Two more planes The first two The second pair Here are 3 of the 4 frames I found to contain pairs of small aircraft in tight pair-wise formations. All of the other frames I captured showed either no fast flying objects at all...or giant birds! Significantly, some of the birds clearly emanated from someplace beyond the bridge guard rail. In the next slide we’ll take a look at how far these birds flew in just one to 2 seconds.
0.28 miles 1.08 miles City Hall just comes into view as the boat passes this building miles Prominent Building In the Left-Hand Foreground of Video Estimated Position of Camera on Board Boat If the planes/birds were back near the Twin Towers, they would have been flying about twice as fast as the Boeing. If they were flying down near the Manhattan side of the Brooklyn Bridge, they would be only about the same speed as the 500 mph! Prominent Building In the Right-Hand Foreground of Video
Even if birds could fly 500 mph, the massive work of hackers and the news media aimed at making those small, fast aircraft accidentally captured in this amateur video disappear from the public eye tells us that some very powerful person or persons don’t want us to know the true story of what happened on September 11, and I don’t think it’s some Arab living in a cave half a world away.